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I have the solution....

Utah Bob #35998

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....to the Libyan situation.


Just saw Motormouth Ghadaffy on the news denying that there are any demonstrations and that his people all love him and the trouble is being caused by Al Qaeda giving out hallucinogenic gummy bears and stirring things up.


What we need is a counteracting force here. Forget the Marines. Forget naval air power.


I have contacted friends in the DOD and forwarded my outline for a quick end to the problem. We need a personality as large as Krudaffy but with a larger ego. Someone who can single handedly bring the wacko to his knees. Someone so delusional that even Muleammar will realize he's met his American match and he needs to throw in the towel, which I understand is a black velvet Elvis one that doubles as his prayer rug. But I digress...


Time to out crazy the crazy man and fight fire with fire. It can be done without bloodshed. I say...


....send in Charlie Sheen! ;)


If we can afford his salary. :unsure:

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It just might work. He might also be delusional enough that we could convince him he is a Navy Seal. He starred in a movie about them once! He said himself he is special!

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I think we should send our last Nobel Peace Prize winner over for a sit-down with Qua-daffy and convince him to go back to community organizing! :)


If that does not work, then Al Gore needs to let him know how badly he is affecting global warming with all of those fires, etc.!

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....to the Libyan situation.


Just saw Motormouth Ghadaffy on the news denying that there are any demonstrations and that his people all love him and the trouble is being caused by Al Qaeda giving out hallucinogenic gummy bears and stirring things up.


What we need is a counteracting force here. Forget the Marines. Forget naval air power.


I have contacted friends in the DOD and forwarded my outline for a quick end to the problem. We need a personality as large as Krudaffy but with a larger ego. Someone who can single handedly bring the wacko to his knees. Someone so delusional that even Muleammar will realize he's met his American match and he needs to throw in the towel, which I understand is a black velvet Elvis one that doubles as his prayer rug. But I digress...


Time to out crazy the crazy man and fight fire with fire. It can be done without bloodshed. I say...


....send in Charlie Sheen! ;)


If we can afford his salary. :unsure:




Hollywood is odd, huh? lol... These people do not risk their lives, well maybe a fan might rip off a sleeve or something, and yet they manage to make a huge amount of money and then whine about life.. lol...

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