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I can be as big as I want to be.....

Long Branch Louie

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When I shoot at matches, usually 3 a month, I go and help set up when I can. I also helped out as much as I could to get things ready for our State Match this year. I'll repair a prop if asked, and try to help out the clubs as needed. BUT I see a lot of people on here pissing and moaning about TGs, SASS and CAS in general. I'm fairly new, so I can't say about "back in the day", but I've been treated pretty good in SASS. I got a chance to vote on issues this year at every club I shoot with. I been around a few years in life and learned a few things. If I don't like how things are done, I CAN GET OFF MY BUTT, GET MORE INVOLVED, AND BE AS BIG AS I WANT TO BE IN SASS! TG, ROIII, Moderator, Match Director...any of it. I honestly don't have the time or interest to be all powerful in SASS, I have to go to work everyday and raise a little girl that came along late in life. I don't like everything I see, so if it's important enough, I'll work to change it. But I ain't going to knock our TG or the job he does. If I don't like him, I can work to take his place. My two cents is we need to work to make SASS better whenever we can, but I see a lot of folks on here that whine like a baby, but don't get anymore involved than that to change what they don't like. Sorry if I stepped on any toes, that's just my view from the saddle.....


:wacko: Well said - well said! Not just in SASS but life in general too. My $.02 also.


SaukValley Sam :ph34r::excl::FlagAm:


The Union I was a member of the better part of twenty five years had an outstanding leader that was taking more than his fair share of guff from one particular whiner about our work force going to a twelve hour work schedule. This in spite of the fact that our union leader had brought it up for union vote on just about a half a dozen times, each time the proposal being defeated. (The dead horse had been beat enough!) Yet, this same whiner accused the leader of not doing his job fully in promoting the proposal and bringing it up for yet another vote. The union leader then said I have the answer for you. Here is all the work I have done previously on the twelve hour shift schedules, including all the previous vote tallies and percentages and the State law requirements for percentages necessary to change work hours. You are now the chief! I will direct anyone interested in the subject to you and will send out a global e-mail announcing your promotion to this position, congratulations. The whiner immediately didn't want any part of it and said as much. It seems we have some of the same stuff in SASS. Plenty of complaining but an overall unwillingness to jump in and volunteer when necessary. I feel if you are not willing to do the work then it is best to keep ones mouth shut. Smithy.


I've been a SASS member for 10 years. A life member for 9. I've been to Winter Range a half-dozen or so times, EOT 3 times and more state matches around the country than I can count.


Since you say you are relatively new, lemme give you an observation from someone who's been here a while:


Don't pay attention to anything on the Wire. All it does is ruin your digestive system and exacerbate the onset of optorectomiasis.

I've been a SASS member for 10 years. A life member for 9. I've been to Winter Range a half-dozen or so times, EOT 3 times and more state matches around the country than I can count.


Since you say you are relatively new, lemme give you an observation from someone who's been here a while:


Don't pay attention to anything on the Wire. All it does is ruin your digestive system and exacerbate the onset of optorectomiasis.

I'm not a medical doctor, but I have heard that a transrectaloctomy can clear that up....... :wacko:


OK Manatee, I'll bite: What ta heck is optorectomiasis???? I think I recognize the "recto" part in there.... :wacko:

OK Manatee, I'll bite: What ta heck is optorectomiasis???? I think I recognize the "recto" part in there.... :wacko:


this is the closest thing :ph34r: I could find


Urban Dictionary: OptirectomyA surgical procedure that detaches the optic nerves from the rectum so you won't have a shi**y outlook on life.


I have known some that just went ahead and had a piece of plexiglass put in their stomach. Seemed to work well.


Smitty's story it right on target! :wacko:

So...what does one call someone that whinnes about whinners?




A wife talking about her mother?


Dang, what a disappointment. From the subject line of the thread I was thinking this was about viagra or some such thing. :ph34r::blink::ph34r::P

Dang, what a disappointment. From the subject line of the thread I was thinking this was about viagra or some such thing. :P:ph34r: :ph34r: :P


Again...I'm not going to comment...



Guest Kid Sopris, Regulator, #3290
So...what does one call someone that whinnes about whinners?





I think that's the New Category they voted on in the Saloon. :ph34r:

So...what does one call someone that whinnes about whinners?





Lets see:


if your name is Tammy, it would be Tammy Whinette


if your a lead singer in a 50's rock n roll group, it would be 'Little Larry and the Whinette's'


if you work in a vineyard, it would be a 'Wine' errrrrrr


if your a cowboy shooter, you could name your horse 'Why Net?'



Dern it Phantom, why did I let you drag me into this thread? :ph34r:





LBL wasn't whining, he was making an observation and a suggestion. And he can spell whine right.

LBL wasn't whining, he was making an observation and a suggestion. And he can spell whine right.


Now see folks - here's a prime example of a post that causes me to go to the whine cellar...


Gee SS, yer such a great spellar.


Observation and suggestion...that's gud!




He's right Phantom, I'm not whining. I simply think that if you're not satisfied with what our "leaders" do, work to vote them out or take their place. Rather than whine, I've got the cajones to confront something I don't like and try to do something about it. This game is still pretty new to me. The folks around here that set up matches, run our clubs and go to meetings on our behalf had asked for my vote on the things they went to vote on. Some of the things I voted on didn't go my way. I ain't gonna jump off a building over it. But if it's important enough to me, I'll try to do something about it. By the way, sorry to the folks that thought this was a "male enhancement" post.... :blink:

He's right Phantom, I'm not whining. I simply think that if you're not satisfied with what our "leaders" do, work to vote them out or take their place. Rather than whine, I've got the cajones to confront something I don't like and try to do something about it. This game is still pretty new to me. The folks around here that set up matches, run our clubs and go to meetings on our behalf had asked for my vote on the things they went to vote on. Some of the things I voted on didn't go my way. I ain't gonna jump off a building over it. But if it's important enough to me, I'll try to do something about it. By the way, sorry to the folks that thought this was a "male enhancement" post.... :ph34r:


Well I do understand...not a complete idjut.


The thing is that posting one's discontent with something here on the Wire doesn't mean that that's all that the poster is doing...getting on the Wire and complaining.


It seems to me that folks jump all over others that raise a fit about something ASSUMING that that's all they do.


Also, posting a complaint here on the Wire doesn't mean that that person is lacking "Cajones". Frankly, boasting about having "Cajones" on a forum carries little weight with me.


So yeah, some of us "Wine" here on the Wire...but trust me, many also do a hell of a lot for SASS and are willing to do more.





I'm not assuming anything about anybody. I not jumping all over anybody. Nor am I saying that folks that complain don't do anything for SASS. And I can rephrase my comment to "the will to do something about it" if it makes you feel better. Far as I concerned, anybody can get on this wire and say anything they want. I can read it, skip it, or disagree with it and voice my own opinion. That's what I did and it's obviously what you did. So it ain't a "you" and "some of us" thing. It's just an "us" thing. Sorry if it bent ya out of shape....

I'm not assuming anything about anybody. I not jumping all over anybody. Nor am I saying that folks that complain don't do anything for SASS. And I can rephrase my comment to "the will to do something about it" if it makes you feel better. Far as I concerned, anybody can get on this wire and say anything they want. I can read it, skip it, or disagree with it and voice my own opinion. That's what I did and it's obviously what you did. So it ain't a "you" and "some of us" thing. It's just an "us" thing. Sorry if it bent ya out of shape....


Now ya see...yer concerned about making me feel better...like I'm all that concerned. Again, a prime example of how poorly this medium works. Trust me, my feelings are just dandy.


Then ya go on about your post bending me outta shape...now I appreciate yer concern over my overall shape, but I can assure you that big conjones don't bend me outta shape...perhaps some folks in the Bay Area would love to get bent outta shape for some big conjones...


Thanks for stopping by and sayin hi...now move along.




Hello LBL, I posted some discontent on that post. !st, glad to see a new shooter with enthusiasum. I was there once myself, did all the same things your doing now. But this is year 14 or 15 for me now. Been to MANY TG meetins, been one for several years. So, I think maybe that can be my bonafidees. Which is why I think the votes should be made public. Anyone that doesn't, is either one of those "born every minute" folks, or maybe not doing something they should. Now, my TG posts his vote, so why not all? I do agree that the name of that post, should have been worded better, maybe that would have put a better spin on it. Glad your enjoying SASS, hope you keep up the good work, just remember the old saying...."Absolute power corrupts absolutely"



I reckon I can say if anybody needs to move along, it's you. I started the post. I'm really not all that concerned about your feelings and don't really care what you do in the Bay area. If you don't like how this medium works, don't use it, everybody will still sleep OK....


Hud, I agree with you that votes should be posted, don't see any reason why things shouldn't be open. If you know how a TG voted and don't like it, then it goes back to the working to change it thing. Lot of piss and vinegar on here, don't really see why, I'm sure after 14-15 years, I will feel differently about some issues than I do now. And I agree about the absolute power comment. Sometimes things get stale and new some new life breathed into them...


good thoughts louie,

I too am the same way reguarding the sport, ...

venting is a good thing, heated discussions are a good thing, and winning is just wineing...


like any other venue, you can please some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time....

When I shoot at matches, usually 3 a month, I go and help set up when I can. I also helped out as much as I could to get things ready for our State Match this year. I'll repair a prop if asked, and try to help out the clubs as needed. BUT I see a lot of people on here pissing and moaning about TGs, SASS and CAS in general. I'm fairly new, so I can't say about "back in the day", but I've been treated pretty good in SASS. I got a chance to vote on issues this year at every club I shoot with. I been around a few years in life and learned a few things. If I don't like how things are done, I CAN GET OFF MY BUTT, GET MORE INVOLVED, AND BE AS BIG AS I WANT TO BE IN SASS! TG, ROIII, Moderator, Match Director...any of it. I honestly don't have the time or interest to be all powerful in SASS, I have to go to work everyday and raise a little girl that came along late in life. I don't like everything I see, so if it's important enough, I'll work to change it. But I ain't going to knock our TG or the job he does. If I don't like him, I can work to take his place. My two cents is we need to work to make SASS better whenever we can, but I see a lot of folks on here that whine like a baby, but don't get anymore involved than that to change what they don't like. Sorry if I stepped on any toes, that's just my view from the saddle.....




Pretty certain that you will never be TG for even a third if the clubs. Pretty certain that one of the cherished values of our society is to voice our discontent. Pretty certain telling folks what they should not say will not help.


If more people listened to what the complaint is instead of preaching that they should not complain or it is not their fault or they should be more grateful, there would be more progress.

I reckon I can say if anybody needs to move along, it's you. I started the post. I'm really not all that concerned about your feelings and don't really care what you do in the Bay area. If you don't like how this medium works, don't use it, everybody will still sleep OK....


Obviously you can't take a joke.


Too funny!




But thanks for sharing your wisdom.




I'm done with this post. 99.9% of folks understood what I was trying to say. Rest don't matter and I STILL don't understand the post about being a TG for a third of the clubs. Merry Christmas everybody......

I'm done with this post. 99.9% of folks understood what I was trying to say. Rest don't matter and I STILL don't understand the post about being a TG for a third of the clubs. Merry Christmas everybody......


I'm sorry, but your sampling was way too small to make your conclusion.






Could we please get back on topic and say whatever you have to say about "being as big as you want to be," (e.g., viagra etc.) I don't understand all this talk about whining and TG's and whatever. Can't we just stay on-topic. :rolleyes:<_<

Merry Christmas to all!!!!


to Long Branch Louie - my new friend,

Thanks for starting this wonderful topic.

Oh, and by the way, your chain is being totally jerked.

We all love you man :unsure:

Just take a deep breath and then laugh like hell cuz the dirt's getting shoveled back in on you faster than you can dig.

After all, what else are friends for.

You've got to realize that this is a "virtual" world and in the "real" world (if there is one), every one of the posters on this thread would give you the shirt off their back.

Don't you know that next to shootin', givin' each other hell is a cowpokes next most favorite thing.


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