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Hodgdon WAA Lite

Barterin Bill

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They say Hodgdon has a new powder to replicate the Winchester Feather Lites (Low Noise. Low Recoil). It's called WAA Lite. I haven't found it anywhere, but that's not unusual around here. Has anyone found it yet and has anyone used it?


It is officially a Winchester Powder.


Hodgdon is now supplying Winchester Powders.


Hopefully that will help you find some.


Most of the powder suppliers have it, like powder valley, etc.

I do use it, but when I am out, may just change to Clays. With how we load, the AA powder seems a bit dirtier than the Clays loads I have tried. Just my take. And more places carry Clays than the Winchester on a retail level.


Wild Bodie Tom


Midway shows it available, for sure.




And, as WBT stated above, Powder Valley shows it in stock, too.




If you are having heartburn about local MomAndPop or sporting goods stores not carrying it, that is just a fact of life until lots of folks in your area start asking for it. Until then, you have to order from the internet dealers or find a supplier dedicated to CAS shooters.



Good luck, GJ


The locals get bombed with new product info by their suppliers, but won't inventory it if it won't sell. The BEST way to get em to inventory it is simply ask em to add a couple pounds to their next order and call ya when it comes in. If ya BUY IT they will add it to their stocking list. Over the years I have educated my LGS that way, getting em to carry Power Pistol, Trail Boss, etc.....


I bought a pound of Winchester AA Lite but found it too dirty for my tastes. Use Clays as per John Boy's link above.


I was wondering if it would be better than Clay's. Seems not. I guess it's not woth the trouble.

Thanks Guys


John Boy.


The load listed for Clays by Prairie Dawg did not come from Hodgdon. Don't know where it came from but not from us. This load would have pressures way too low for us to ever suggest it.


If you want to duplicate the Winchester Low noise/Low Recoil shells, use the powder that is used at the factory Winchester AALITE.





Hodgdon Powder Company


We've been loading it up for a couple of years. Hogdon has all the bushing numbers and such on there web site for a few diiferent loaders. I been buying it in the bigger containers and saving a little more to put towards shot. Whoow has that went up. Clays is pretty close recoil but we like the Winchester better. NBC


I've got 4 lbs of the WAA Lite that's almost gone. Used Clays prior to trying the Lite. For CAS purposes, can't say one is "better" than the other. If yer usin Clays for other purposes already, it just simplifies things somewhat by having one less powder to keep on hand. Some folks like that idea. YMMV.

As for "dirty" my biggest issue with smokeless shotgun loads seems to be centered on what wad I use. I've tried Winchester, Claybuster, Windjammer XL, and Remington wads. For smokeless loads I have found a dramatic difference in the amount of plastic fouling in the barrels. Of the four wads I've tried, the Remington wads by far leave the least amount of fouling in the barrels....almost none to speak of. The XL are probably the next best followed by the Winchester and then the Claybusters last. This is using either Clays or Win WAA Lite powders. Of all the cleaning tasks I've encountered with respect to CAS guns, plastic fouling with smokeless loads in my shotgun barrels is by far the most time consuming, irritating of all. Again, YMMV. Just my take on the subject.


I just switched from Clays to the AA lite.I use Claybuster wads and found that with Clays powder and those wads I get a ton of stringy greasy like plastic out of the barrels.Tried out AA lite before I switched and the plastic came out in more of a powder form rather than stringy and greasy.


Bill, I use AA Lite and get it from powdervalleyinc.com and load it based upon Hodgdon's specs. If you're already using Clays for your other loads, contact Prairie Dawg for an excellent recipe.


Edit: See John Boy's link above. It has Prairie Dawg's recipe for Clays.


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