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Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172

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Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172 last won the day on November 29 2017

Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172 had the most liked content!

About Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172

  • Birthday 05/29/1938

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Washington Territory (The Wet Side)
  • Interests
    Family, Fishing and Shootin'

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Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. That is just wrong on sooooo many levels. Good grief, dogs are man's best friend. Why do this to them?
  2. Sir Rodney of Whitehill. Defender of the castle.
  3. I know this is an old thread, but I just found a picture of Sir Rodney of Whitehall. Our girls were wanting a dog, so we found Rodney. He was Brittany and Springer Spaniel cross. Very protective of the girls and my wife. Thought I would share. Thanks for looking.
  4. Nelly could make a comeback!
  5. My daughters little mop, Abby Mae.
  6. Can be if conditions are just right.
  7. I'll second that, Dave.
  8. By Dingo, I believe you are correct, Slim.
  9. Well, I have not lost my sense of smell, I still smell the same. Perhaps it is my teenage boy body wash, I donno. But I am curious to know what Michigan Slim thinks a box of crayons smell like.
  10. What does it smell like, Slim???
  11. What? Not again, Slim fishing on the ice in the nude?
  12. What ya trying to tell us, Slim? Is the bridge out again? Did Lassie fall in the Well? WHAT? WHAT?
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