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Marauder SASS #13056

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Everything posted by Marauder SASS #13056

  1. Not Johnny or have his expertise, but the Russia guns are generally hand fit. So switching the cocking arm MAY be valid or may not, depending on if they are similar sized. I would compare the two and see if there is more wear on the left one. If the left cocks with the "right' arm, you likely validated the issue. but then see how the "left" one does on the right side to see if the problem moved over. I'm not sure of the availability of parts for these. Start with Remington and go to https://www.gunpartscorp.com/gun-manufacturer/baikal/shotguns-baikal/side-by-sides/izh43-2 They have some parts but all in stock.
  2. Griff, Lone Star is where I first shot SASS. Great times. I remember folks sitting around after the match swapping stories about their alias, etc. My schedule didn't allow me to shoot there too often until they moved.
  3. Thanks.  Always glad to help a fellow cowboy!

  4. Fond memories! Thanks! I was in the Wartrace picture! I remmeber when CVV was just starting but I had to move abut then, but I got to shoot there a few times. And of course remember the Magnificent 7 for here in Georgia.
  5. I didn't weld it.  All I did was use a file/stone and removed the notch on the hammers. 


    No need for welding.  Just make sure there is no "catch" for the sear there.


    1. Purly SASS # 57438

      Purly SASS # 57438

      Thanks. I thought I might be able to do that.

  6. Don't give up!


    Fast Eddie wants as much feedback as possible and he does consider input very important.  So he may very well decide to do the 5 and 5 as we have done in the past, but as you can tell it is a balancing act.


    And thanks for the offer to help with the scoring.  We can always use more help, especially as many of us are not what we once were.


    Sorry Petey did n't have his usual match.  I always enjoy shooting with him as he has been one of my hero's in the sport.

    1. MizPete


      Still had a great time!

  7. Titegroup does work well, but it is a little louder than some and have a sharper recoil  It can also be used for a 12 gauge load.

    "I was looking at the Hodgon load data website and they have loads listed using Titegroup powder, This peeked my interest as I have lots of it on hand for pistol calibers I load for. the lightest load I see they have listed is for one ounce. My question is would it be okay to use this data for a Lee 7/8 oz slug.Or would anyone know of a source of load data for 7/8 oz loads.The loads listed below are starting and middle of the road so I assume I would be ok.

    Hodgdon Titegroup Rem. 209P Rem. TGT 12 17.3 8,900 PSI 1,235 fps
    Hodgdon Titegroup Rem. 209P Rem. TGT 12 18.6 10,100 PSI 1,290 fps"


    Unique is a little dirtier but is also a great powder for both.


    Clays is a great option for 12 gauge and can be used for the 9mm.  But since it is a little fast for the 9mm, you will have to load near max for a reliable load.  My only concern is that if the pistol is new it sometimes wants a higher velocity load to break them in.  But i have shot a lot of Clyays in 9mm and it has worked well in nearly all my pistols.

    1. Marshal Hangtree

      Marshal Hangtree

      Thanks, Marauder!  That's all great information.  I appreciate it.



  8. Wow, Carolina is really losing it.  A bit of an ego problem.


    We need folks that can spot, time and watch the loading and unloading tables.


    All tasks are important even when we cannot do every single task.


    You hang in there!

    1. Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217

      Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217

      :wub: Ya, Friend! Thank you!


  9. I would like a couple of you SKB springs.  'm ordering 2 from



    Is that correct?

    1. Marauder SASS #13056

      Marauder SASS #13056

      I ordered via a message and paid with Pay pal.



    2. Jackaroo, # 29989

      Jackaroo, # 29989

      Yea got your message Marauder,sent return email,on the pony in the morning.


    3. Marauder SASS #13056

      Marauder SASS #13056

      I got them today.



  10. I find that Trail Boss is cleaner and better with a little more powder. 


    So I use 3.6 grains with 105 and 125 grain bullets.

  11. Not sure about if they will post the stages.


    But many matches no longer post posse lists due to so many wanting to swap posses - only to want to swap again when someone else does.  So it creates a LOT of extra work. 

    But they will allow folks to ask about switching when they sign up, but probably get only one change per person.

  12. You are in trouble now :D:D


    Now we all want to hear your program.


    Can i give you a call?

  13. Thanks!


    Yes it was Squaw Creek Rose.

  14. I sooo agree with your comments on the "safety rules!"    Both about moving and about an empty round in an open action. 

    I also worked with safety for about 40 years and understand that as you add more rules, you almost always create more confusion and reduce safety.


    Thanks for your well reasoned comments.

    1. Jailhouse Jim, SASS #13104

      Jailhouse Jim, SASS #13104

      Thank you for your comments.  It's so hard to get some folks to understand the concept that more rules create many more problems.  It's like they are blind to anything they don't agree with.  It's more like the government trying to protect us from ourselves making us reliant on someone else to think for us and/or giving folks someone else to blame for our own mistakes.

    2. Marauder SASS #13056

      Marauder SASS #13056

      It further became a problem in the late 1800's when they thought up "social sciences."  They thought that they could even create a "perfect contract" that people would not break.  Along with the idea that we can communicate verbally much better than we actually can.


      Thus, if we create the right rule and word it just right. . .  

      Then we don't have to think. .


      Our govenment and society are now eaten up with the idea even thought they hate it.

  15. I bought some ETR7 powder a couple years ago and like it.  But I don't think it is readily available anymore.

    Do you know of a source?

    1. Buckshot Dobbs

      Buckshot Dobbs

      No, not since Expansion Industries quit carrying it, sorry.

  16. Don't be sad about being born in Denver!!  :D:D:D

    1. The Original Lumpy Gritz

      The Original Lumpy Gritz


      To me, Colorado is my home-I only live in PRK. ^_^

      Have a great New Year!



    2. Marauder SASS #13056

      Marauder SASS #13056

      Now THAT could be Depressing. :D

    3. The Original Lumpy Gritz

      The Original Lumpy Gritz

      Yes it could in some ways, with the flakes that get all of the media attention.

      The real folks of Colorado are still the same.;)


  17. As a student of statistics, sampling and measurement, it does make a difference in the impact, although not the process. The number of shooters defines the index or sampling for the accuracy of the system. Just as a valid sampling is needed for a poll. So the larger the sample, the more accurate the measurement. If you are in a gun fight close up, misses are much more dangerous to you than if you are at 20 yards - because your opponent is much less likely to miss at close range than further out. . So it is entirely appropriate for the impact of a miss or mistake to vary, depending on the circumstance. For example, if you stumble and lose 5 seconds in a race.. If it is a sprint, that stumble has a MUCH larger impact than in a longer run. Are you saying that is not fair? Similarly, if you fumble on the 2 yard line in football, it normally is much worse than fumbling at mid-field. Should football change it's scoring to make that more fair? In a rank point match, it is important to beat out as many people as you can on each stage. So if it is a fast stand and deliver, a miss will hurt you much more because many more shooters will beat you. That is fair - they beat you.
  18. And if you try using rank within category, it is a total mess. You need a large sampling to provide an adequate index for a good measurement. Since the old gunfights didn't have categories, they lumped everyone together, just like rank does now.
  19. Just because a system is complicated, doesn't make it wrong. But you are correct in that there are problems with Rank scoring. And it does not work well at all for smaller matches. Just too many holes.
  20. Sorry, but I don't agree and you already demonstrated that you see a symptom of rank while missing how it is actually scored.
  21. You are only comparing two shooters, is that is all that is in the match. You are actually "cherry picking" in your example and leaving out everyone else that shot the match. I realize this is common misunderstanding and complaint about rank. Rank scoring is about how many shooters you beat out for each stage - that includes everyone. Your example is missing the understanding of how rank is done. You are pointing out what bothers many, but not how the match is scored. Is not the Super bowl is determined by the number of times you cross the goal line - not how many yards you gained in the game. The first is like of rank, the second is more like total time. Similarly, baseball is how many Runs you get, not how many hits. In both these cases, the yards and hits will not matter unless you finish the defined goal. There are issues with rank scoring such as when someone far out shoots the rest but only gains 1 rank point for a major win. That happened to several top shooters over the years - although they often still won the match.
  22. Do you understand Rank scoring? Your answer would indicate that you do not. In either system, you do not have to win all the "gunfights", but in rank it means you won more than those who scored lower than you did.
  23. Have to generally agree. Total time is more of a sprint as you can go as fast as you can since misses, while having some impact, generally will not hurt you as badly as in a rank point match. So the two do have to be shot slightly differently. That is one of the reasons many do not rank. With Rank, it is how many gunfights did you win. WIth total time, it is not how many fights you won but more about how much you won on those that you won.
  24. I ordered a few thousand coated bullets. They looked great, but I noticed that 5% or so slid into the brass too far. SO I measured and although the top of the bullet was .358, the bottom may be below .350. So I contacted the maker. He checked into it and found that one of his molds was messed up. He thanked me for letting him know and sent me 500 bullets to make up for it.
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