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Everything posted by Dantankerous

  1. Rye, How long before anti-gunners submit legislation to ban anything that has an evil-looking trigger? :)
  2. Ingenuity at its finest. Beating the antis for less than the price of lunch is priceless.
  3. Life is easier NOT playing on FB. I cannot think of a more stressful way to waste time.
  4. Cholla, Very nice! As I sold off all my non CAS firearms I am going to have to hunt with only CAS firearms if'n I ever git around to huntin' again. I keep telling myself I am going to hunt again but thar jess ain't not enough time fer hunting anymore. I'd LOVE to try deer hunting mulies in Western Kansas with my 1860 stuffed full of 250 grain 45 Colt BP loads. Course, the occasional coyote coming too close might be of interest as well. Quail with my hammered TTN and BP would be a HOOT!
  5. I liked it. I've enjoyed the series. The style of writing is unique. And the ghost writer picked up where the author left off (when he died) quite nicely. Of course, the GW did the screenplay for the Appaloosa movie so he "got" the style.
  6. That 1887 10 gauge sounds interesting. Any chance you remember the condition it is in? On edit: Wow. I just looked up their location on Google Map. They're basically located a tractor drive away from my grandparents' farm, just NW of Olivia, when they were alive and farming. Small world.
  7. Always positive. Good folks here. Trustworthy.
  8. Here's to hoping... Darn great looking rifle, KH24. Thanks for posting those pics. Is this set up like the Miroku Winchester '73 is with a lever throw a bit shorter/smoother than the Uberti?
  9. Any guesses on whether it will be 5 rounds or 10 before that gate fails? Wow. I had high hopes that Winchester would do the gate right but that looks rather WEAK. Anyone have a picture of the Winchester '73 gate for comparison?
  10. The pic on Winchester's page makes it look like a round barrel. A 20 inch round barrel almost makes it a carbine as opposed to Uberti's 20 inch octagonal barrel. Sweet.
  11. Yes. Inquiring minds want to know. Hopefully better than the Uberti design...
  12. Ok. This morning I see three Winchester 1866 short rifles in .38 on GB. Hopefully we'll see more avaliable soon.
  13. I've been watching GB pretty close and have not yet seen the "working" model of the Winchester Miroku 1866 advertised. (As opposed to the fancy, pricey engraved '66). I've really been wanting to compare the Miroku '66 to the Uberti '66. If it is anything like the Miroku '73 it should be a hit with guys like us. Caliber and loading gate design are a couple of my main curiosities concerning the new Winchester Miroku '66. It looks like this '66 is being featured on the Winchester website as new offering for 2017 but Winchester does not provide a lengthy detail list for all models coming out. By the way, I do not see the new Winchester 1866 offered yet on Impact Guns, Buds Guns, Guns America, or Buffalo Arms. Makes me think if there was one on GB, it was an anomoly.
  14. Jazz is great music. BUT... A Jazz version of the National Anthem is NOT NEEDED. At least, not in the context of this, uh, incident.
  15. Now, dual wielding a pair of 1911s sounds like Bruce Willis in Last Man Standing. Now we're talking fun. Zoot Shooting, anyone?
  16. Wow! Mucho purdy. Makes me wish I had not sold my Mt Gun. Durnit.
  17. I have seen new Colt 1911s going for that price, brand new. I sure would not buy a Para if I could buy a Colt in the same price range. You might have to order one from an online gun store but even with the shipping thrown in it will be less than $800 for a quality 1911 that will retain its resale value. If you are patient and can take some time looking around you might be able to find a Springfield GI model. That should set you back somewhere between $450 and $550. Those are quality pieces but are no longer being manufactured by Springfield. The only problem I see with those for some people is they have the standard GI sights which are pretty small. My thoughts.
  18. I cooked on a Coleman camp stove for three days and burned a ton of candles when our power went out years ago. Twas not fancy but we had light and hot meals. And it WAS ONLY three days. We were lucky.
  19. I bought a "used" Ruger Vaquero off GB last year. It showed up and appears to be totally unturned. No sign at all of a cylinder ring. So far I have kept it in the box. I almost hate to start shooting it as it is the only Ruger I have out of my pile of Rugers that is ringless.
  20. Marshal Chance, That Google Calendar link is indicating Gunsmoke '16. I'll presume it encompasses the third weekend of September 2017 though.
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