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Everything posted by Dantankerous

  1. Me too. A SASS gold badge kind of completes the deal. I've never seen anything at a SASS sanctioned function that was not 100% something I don't want to be a part of. For life.
  2. I'm not finding a date stamp to the right the last poster's name. It is on the far right of the topic list and only takes you to the very last post. .I never did this on the old forum and it just seem to automatically route whatever thread I was reading to where I needed to start once I came back to that thread without having to scroll down through everything I had already read. Maybe this is not an option while on my phone but on a desktop computer I would be able to find it? The option you're are looking for is either a circle or a star (thread you have posted in) to the far left of the screen, left of the thread's title. On edit... are you referring to the little flag just to the right of the time? I don't see a flag right of the time.
  3. With our last Forum whenever I accessed it on my Android cell phone, each time I went to a thread I had previously been following the phone would automatically scroll down to the last post I read. In other words, I was easily able to pick up where I last left off reading. I never had to scroll through a thread to find where I last was. With the new Forum this does not happen. I presume as I have made no changes to my phone whatsoever over the course of the last couple weeks it was something the forum software was doing automatically for mobile devices? If I understand correctly, you are saying that clicking the circle (or star) next to the title of the thread does not take you to the first unread post. If so, I have found that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It should always take you to the first unread post. I hope this is resolved. If I am not understanding correctly, please elaborate.
  4. I wonder how many people actually find their "right job" anymore versus how many people simply work where they work because they need to work?
  5. All this discussion over a gun we cain't not even shoot in a cowboy match... :)
  6. This. Easy peasy. I bought one for the sole purpose of reloading BP shells. You can usually find the press new for around the $50.00 price. You might as well buy it 'cause as soon as you try black from a scattergun, you will be hooked. I had never reloaded shot shells of any kind before I tried reloading BP and with a little help from the good folks here, I had the process down in no time. Since you'll only usually be loading 25 at a time, it does not take much spare time either. Good luck!
  7. Tom Selleck and Keanau Reeves are gun guys and you probably won't find errors on their parts on film. Otherwise, seems the sky is the limit for firearms related mistakes in Hollywood.
  8. ATF says it is neither. It is classified a firearm.
  9. Because it's cool. No better reason than that. The more I've looked this over today the more I like it.
  10. I believe Jed I Knight shoots 38 caliber open tops with black powder. And he shoots them a lot. Not sure if he's ever had any work done to his but it certainly seems like his just keep running and running and running. I personally don't know anyone who shoots open tops regularly but there are some Fellas on The Wire who shoot them exclusively. There have been previous discussions about these guns and they can certainly be made to run very reliably. Yes, it is unfortunate most out-of-the-box will require some fitting and some adjusting but these are not high-dollar Colts nor overbuilt Rugers but even those guns will occasionally need some fine-tuning. Open tops are certainly unique. I own a pair in 44 Colt that I'm going to have gunsmithed later this year as I would like to use these instead of my Rugers as my main match pistols. They shoot pretty good out of the box but I am having the work done to them not to make them faster or smoother but just to make them more reliable so they last longer. It is my impression through much reading and research that all open top revolvers will require some work. You might get a pair that is very well fitted from the factory but consensus seems to be that is doubtful and unlikely. Some of the current and retired gun plumbers on this website and others will state open tops are a great kit gun but still a fantastic platform from which to start.
  11. I found a couple of videos on this. I suppose for a home defense or a close quarter defense in a very compact area this gun might have some merit. The idea has certainly piqued my curiosity. I might have to go find one and check it out in person. The more I think about it, the more unique and fun it's starting to look. 5 +1 of 12 gauge ain't nuthin to sneer at.
  12. What exactly is the intended purpose of this contraption? To whom is this being marketed and why? Although interesting, this kind of looks like the answer to a question that was never asked.
  13. Any chance you saw the hats that were being worn at the anti Trump rally in Washington DC? Most of them folks wearin those hats could easily be considered... uh... never mind. All I'm saying is maybe purple should be the color?
  14. And the real America says Good Bye to obama. Hopefully.
  15. How about these two shooting categories? Either you shoot 45 Colt or you shoot 44-40?
  16. And fer you younger fellas who might look out of place with a cane... If you are traveling, travel with a backpack and throw some sort of a hiking stick in with your ensemble. Maybe a nice heavy oak walking stick or even a pair of hiking sticks that are collapsible, easily transportable, and all the rage with trendy carless hippies these days. They can certainly serve the same purpose a collapsible baton does without looking tactical and insensitive.
  17. One major difference however, although I agree this is a form of social media, I don't personally know anyone who's lost friends on The Wire. On Facebook, I know a lot of people who have not only unfriended from their social media contacts but lost those friends and family relations in real life. Maybe we are just more civilized here on The Wire or maybe in the real world including Facebook things are much more uncivilized than they should be.
  18. These fellas don't seem to have arrows and bows. i wonder if their costumes would be period correct?
  19. Rye, How long before anti-gunners submit legislation to ban anything that has an evil-looking trigger? :)
  20. Ingenuity at its finest. Beating the antis for less than the price of lunch is priceless.
  21. Life is easier NOT playing on FB. I cannot think of a more stressful way to waste time.
  22. Cholla, Very nice! As I sold off all my non CAS firearms I am going to have to hunt with only CAS firearms if'n I ever git around to huntin' again. I keep telling myself I am going to hunt again but thar jess ain't not enough time fer hunting anymore. I'd LOVE to try deer hunting mulies in Western Kansas with my 1860 stuffed full of 250 grain 45 Colt BP loads. Course, the occasional coyote coming too close might be of interest as well. Quail with my hammered TTN and BP would be a HOOT!
  23. I liked it. I've enjoyed the series. The style of writing is unique. And the ghost writer picked up where the author left off (when he died) quite nicely. Of course, the GW did the screenplay for the Appaloosa movie so he "got" the style.
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