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Texas Lizard

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Everything posted by Texas Lizard

  1. You might want to hide....In a very deep hole....Or far from here.... Texas Lizard
  2. Tie a string on to them....Put a note on the other end of what they are....Then just follow the string....Simple and easy... Texas Lizard Just do not loose the string....
  3. Is that why you are sleeping in another room??? Or the front pouch..... Texas Lizard
  4. There is or was one just out of Morro Bay area...Is it still open and for use, I can not say....It was very nice....I heard there was something going on in the area about a range....Not sure it was having affect on this one.... Texas Lizard
  5. Be careful asking that question here...Someone might tell you... Texas Lizard Any place that works well for you....
  6. Could be fun finding out..... Texas Lizard
  7. I just use a steak knife....And a fork...Nothing fancy.... Maybe a little wine to wash it down.... Texas Lizard
  8. These are the only two who do any traveling....Prefer short distance.... Texas Lizard
  9. I have two friends that could help you sleep...But they live to far away for you...A few hours with them and you will sleep very sound.... Texas Lizard
  10. More fun than making a cup of coffee..... Texas Lizard
  11. I enjoy it and remember ALL of them.....I guess that might make me old...... Texas Lizard
  12. She might be happier..... Texas Lizard
  13. You forget they have experts and they know what is best for everyone.....And I am still stuck here.... Texas Lizard
  14. No....To many things added to pool...Plus tried it as a kid....Belly up by morning..... Texas Lizard
  15. A spoon and jar....Add hot water....One coffee drinker in the house hold and one cup in the morning......Keep it simple.... Texas Lizard
  16. Will keep those on the Left happy.... Texas Lizard
  17. You do not hunt them...They come hunting for you....Fresh meat to them..... Texas Lizard Years ago in Alaska...At the Anchorage airport, they had some stuffed on there back feet standing....They sure are tall...Upwards of about 15 feet...
  18. Did it have 4 on the floor....And 4 barrel.... Texas Lizard
  19. She might not have pair, but braver that me.... Texas Lizard
  20. That was for cleaning the shorts.... Texas Lizard Did not even feel it....
  21. Alpo be careful of guys in white jackets and carrying a net.... Texas Lizard
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