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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. If I'm leaving a message with family or friends, I identify myself with my first name. If I'm leaving a message with a cowboy shooter, I identify myself with my last name - Sun. If I'm leaving a message with someone I don't know (business related), I identify myself with my first and last name. If I'm calling family or friends and they answer, I don't identify myself at all, I just start talking.
  2. They could have rammed the car thru the weakest part of the fence that was 10' away....no, instead they try the strongest part. A pair of dikes (electrical tool) would have easily cut thru the chain link or just cut the tie wire holding the fence onto the posts also.
  3. There's nothing on my phone that requires me using the locking feature, so I've never used it and don't plan on using it.
  4. The Price is Right contestants really get screwed. They don't win any money (for the most part) and have to pay California taxes on all of those 'fabulous' prizes that are 'valued' at way above what anyone, in their right mind, would normally pay.
  5. Plus you pay tax on that...California tax.
  6. Depends on the category, probably all in though.
  7. Damn, always liked Mr. Newhart and his style of comedy. RIP Mr. Newhart.
  8. Wait, according to the Saloon lately....checks aren't used any more. Now they, I guess they say "Get your Zelle out". If someone said "Get your Zelle out" to me...they might be offended by the response.
  9. Another reason dogs hate vacuum cleaners.
  10. Actually, he didn't miss. If Trump hadn't turned his head at precisely that instant...the shot would have been dead on.
  11. I don't know what manufacture the rifle is, but I'm pretty sure that it's Australian...so I'm going to name it Dundee.
  12. I saw a charcoal F250 in a parking lot with "I HOPE THE B***H WAS WORTH IT" spray painted in bright yellow paint on the side of the truck. Painted across the hood was "CHEATER A**HOLE" in yellow paint. Didn't get to see the tailgate or the other side of the truck and never saw the driver.
  13. I've worked on hundreds of metal buildings like the one the would-be assassin was on and the SS snipers. I'd be surprised if the assassin roof was a 4/12 roof pitch, I'd say more like a 2/12 roof pitch. The one the SS sniper team behind and to the left of Trump was probably a 4/12 pitch. Both of these roofs can be extremely slippery in the morning dew or after rain. It was neither morning or post rain storm during the event. The whole sloped roof excuse has got to be one of the lamest excuses ever used by the head of the SS....especially when a SS sniper team is repeatedly videoed and pictured on a steeper sloped roof. Cheatle should have been fired yesterday and her ultimate boss should be fired in November and his last day in January.
  14. Probably fused sand...glass.
  15. Naked, against my will and crying.
  16. It's over folks, Baldwin walked due to incompetence, or possibly worse. Get over it.
  17. I love the old episodes of Twilight Zone. My favorites are Incident at Owl Creek, the one about Little Big Horn and the tank, the one where a street thinks that aliens have landed, the one that Pat mentioned and the one with Charles Bronson and Elisabeth Montgomery learn how to get along. By the way, yelling "There's a man on the wing!" is not advisable these days.
  18. Ever wonder why an "investigation" by the Federal government, using Federal employees, using Federal government provided equipment, cost $20 million dollars? Think about it...
  19. Between a sloped roof that had (at max) a 4/12 pitch and a flimsy chain link fence, it's a good thing that one sniper (on a steeper sloped roof) took out the would-be assassin otherwise he probably would have stolen a cop car and got away.
  20. And after being beat to death, there was one less Paul.
  21. I'd take the commercials from back then any day vs the commercials of today.
  22. Takes me forever to grow a decent one, by then...it's summer in Florida. No thanks.
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