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Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903

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About Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903

  • Birthday 02/01/1874

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Wartrace Regulators SASS Regulator

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  • Location
    Middle Tn.
  • Interests
    NRA Life member

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Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. I called an SDQ on a shooter today for breaking the 170, after shooting the last pistol, last gun on the stage, he held it straight down beside his holster instead of holstering it. When I said something about it he holstered it but didn’t let go and I saw it was cocked. I told him do not let go of your pistol, draw it and point it down range and pull the trigger, then reholster. He did and he got the SDQ for the 170 but I was able to stop him from getting the second SDQ for holstering a cocked revolver which would have in reality been a MDQ on his first stage of the day. I just got lucky catching it before he let go of the revolver. Randy
  2. I’m pretty sure it’s jittery targets, they jump every time they hear a gunshot! Randy
  3. For those not going to the Southeast Regional, Wartrace Regulators will have our October Main Match this Saturday. It should be a good warmup for Land Run. Registration opens at 8:30, Safety Meeting at 9:30 and shooting starts around 10:00. Members $15 and non-members $20. We will have snacks available for sale at the range and plenty of cold water for free. Looks like the weather should be great. Here’s the message from Whiskey Hayes. Cowgirls and Cowboys Wartrace is shooting this Saturday October 5th. Saddle up Ole Paint, pack your saddlebags with ammo. Tie your rifle scabbard to your saddle cause we got a big shootout taking place in the Valley of the Sun. Going to be great weather but pack your rain gear to ward off any evil rain drops Whiskey
  4. RO Classes at the Wartrace Regulators Range. Saturday October 26 Whiskey Hayes and Razorback Red will be conducting an RO1 Class and Randy Saint Eagle and Tennessee Williams will be conducting an RO2 Class. Both classes will begin at 9 am, one will be in the office/ pavilion and the other will be in the school house. Class size will determine location. To register for either class email me at rws2700@comcast.net and please include your alias, SASS number and which class you want to attend. Thanks Randy
  5. To me a 3 or 4 word starting line is plenty, I don’t want to recite a paragraph.🤠 Randy
  6. According to Weather Bug, there's a 30% chance of showers starting at noon tomorrow so Lord willing we should be fine. We've also added 2 more shooters. https://www.weatherbug.com/weather-forecast/hourly/normandy-tn-37360 Randy
  7. I may well be wrong but I’m going to say no. The shooter should know they can’t move with a cocked pistol. Randy
  8. I started with a 24” Marlin, switched to 20” later, now I run a 18” 1/2 round ‘73. Randy
  9. So far I only have 4 signed up, Imis, English Tom, Diamond Jake and me. If you want to shoot please send me an email. Thanks Randy
  10. Lucky, you know what they say! "If all else fails, read the instructions!" Randy
  11. I shot a double trigger Stoeger and a TTN for several years until I lucked into my first SKB. I sent it to on of the SKB gunsmiths and I've never looked back. Charlie Bowdre told me when I started Cowboy shooting "You win matches with your pistols and lose matches with your shotgun!" It took me several years to understand what he was telling me. The shotgun is the only gun we use that starts out unloaded and has to be loaded on the clock and the double is the only gun we use that has to have the shells ejected on the clock (at least sometimes) that has no mechanical means to do so. You can waste a lot of time with a shotgun that isn't properly tuned and fitted to you. Just my opinion. Randy
  12. Wartrace Regulators September Work Shirkers Match will be this Thursday. $15 members and $20 non-members. If you plan to attend please email me at rws2700@comcast.net with your alias and category so I can start setting up the match early. I'll start collecting the money at 8:30, Safety Meeting at 9:30 or sooner if everyone who pre-registers arrives, Shooting starts shortly after the Safety Meeting. Right now they are predicting rain so bring your rain gear, hopefully if enough of us bring our rain gear we won't need it. We will be shooting stages 11-15 so we have 3 covered stages and if we have to we can change the scenario and shoot some more than once. With the Southeast Regional and Land Run coming up I think we need to shoot rain or shine because that's what we'll have to do at either of them. Don't forget we will be teaching RO1 and RO2 classes at Wartrace October 26, email me if you plan to attend either. If you haven't taken RO1 or RO2 in a couple of years or more I highly recommend you at least take RO1 as a refresher since it covers the rules and we've had several changes in the last couple of years. Price for either is $25 for the first time and $10 for a refresher. Hope to see you at the range Randy
  13. I personally like a large front and a flat top rear but I’m not trying to shoot 100 yard targets. Randy
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