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Long Fingers, SASS#56813

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  1. I’ll take the Kirkpatrick belt. pm Incoming. Thanks, LF.
  2. I don’t think that shot is really as easy as some want to make it out to be. Do we know if it was scoped, red dot, irons? A head is 10” by 9” ? , irons or red dot would completely cover the target. What was his shooting experience or familiarity with that firearm? Climbed up on a roof, shooting down ward, assuming he doesn’t have the best shoot rest. Adrenaline, heart racing, knowing your probably going to be killed. Go try and hit a 10” circle under those conditions. Yes, Trump was very lucky.
  3. Might want to pick up a couple packages.
  4. The national reviews seem to be split about 50/50 like vs not so much. The different threads on the wire seem to suggest the same split, maybe leaning a little towards like because we want to like westerns. Chatter from the audience after we viewed the movie was not very positive, “that was a waste of time, no need to see the rest. “ I would agree with some of the others, the movie format would have been better as a mini series, develop the store lines and become invested in the characters. This review summed it up for me, “It’s too bad because the film starts out strong with a raid on the settlement that is visceral and captivating but it keeps switching stories before the audience can become attached to a narrative or set of characters. I was joking on twitter that this is similar to rom-coms like Valentines Day that tells so many stories but none of them could hold a movie on their own or are interesting to the audience. I guess at least Utah looks nice so there’s that but it’s all surprisingly forgettable for a saga.”
  5. just search Safariland comp 1,2,or 3 Midway or just about any of the shooting suppliers have them. Not really a push button but no twisting of a knob. Push them into the cylinder and they release. Much easier to use vs the twist knob. LF.
  6. Took my parents to the show yesterday afternoon. Theater was pretty full, at least fuller than I have seen for sometime. The movie was okay at best, it was slow paced with way to many story lines. The overwhelming chatter from the audience after was they would not be seeing the sequels? I won’t say I’m not seeing the next one but it will be way down on the list. Was really hoping it would have been much better. LF.
  7. Corn cob forends are easy to find and cheap IF you go with plastic. Wood your probably going to pay up for unless you get lucky. I have quite a few versions of forends on 500’s, several different wood and plastic versions. I think the best looking is the wood corn cob “riot gun” version, but for feel and function I really like the Hogue stock sets. They have the soft rubber over molding like there pistol grips. $70 for the set at most retailers, and a side saddle should fit with there forend. If you decide to change the forend make sure you measure the length of the metal frame the forend fits over. There are at least 3 version of length/style. Yours SHOULD be the longest version?
  8. Last year had non TSA locks on a case, TSA told me they required their locks incase they need to inspect after check in. I was finally granted permission to use the locks I had but had to wait for a supervisor to sign off even after they were checked the first time. Get TSA locks are at least have them available if they want you to change. LF.
  9. Guess I missed several posts didn’t see you already purchased a bolt gun before I recommended a Kidd. Congratulations on your purchase, they are very nice guns. LF.
  10. The most common issue I have found with used 500’s is weak ejection and mag tube spring. Both items are pretty cheap and easily replaced. I keep a couple extra of each on hand. Unless it’s just beat to hell there isn’t much on a 500 that can’t be easily repaired or replaced. Good luck LF.
  11. Started with a Lee 4 hole over 20 years ago. Loaded 1000’s of rounds without issue before moving to a Dillon. Still use the Lee for all my low volume loadings. Easy press to start reloading on, would not hesitate to start someone on the Lee turret. LF.
  12. You might want to take it out and give it a good cleaning once then periodically use the swab or whatever to maintain. I was always amazed at how much lube accumulated up in the die. Put a couple register marks on the die and press before removing the die. Should get you pretty close when putting back together. Should be minimal adjustment to get back to your setting. Spay cleaner/ brake cleaner and brass pistol brush cleans them right up. Switched to coated bullets years ago, problem solved. LF.
  13. At state level or above they should all be lost brass matches. Or have brass rats assigned to every stage that can jump in and clear between shooters or at the end of the stage . Keeps the stages moving and let’s the competitors focus on the match instead of hunting for every last piece of brass. Your talking about $20-25 worth of new brass for a 2 day event, pretty insignificant amount when you consider what you are spending overall. LF
  14. Have a 600 junior, picked up a used 8567 last winter on the cheap. Once I got it adjusted it makes nice shells quickly. Like Leroy said, just more stuff you have to watch vs the junior. 5 min to load 25 and that’s working it pretty slow. No doubt you could cut that time in half. LF.
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