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Rye Miles #13621

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Everything posted by Rye Miles #13621

  1. I had a pair of Wranglers and found them very stiff and the loading gate was really hard to open. They shot okay but I wound up selling them and bought a pair a Heritage .22’s that load easier and are very accurate. Dig this the LGS had them on sale for $99.00 AND Heritage had a $30.00 rebate. I bought them for $69.00 each!!!!! I’ve been shooting them at a .22 match I go to once a month and in indoor shoot I attend in the winter. No problems with them at all, I also bought 2 extra cylinders for $29.95 a piece.
  2. Prayers for your lady and you,🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
  3. Makes no sense at all! What is the purpose of showing guns you can’t buy? 🙄
  4. https://www.browning.com/news/articles/historical/happy-birthday-john-moses-browning.html
  5. I was thinking Sophia Loren or Gina Lolabrigida 😂😍
  6. Shut the door! Were you born in a barn?
  7. I still have one. It in the garage, I use it for my car occasionally, it was my mom’s.
  8. I get my neighbors mail about once every couple weeks but they hardly ever get mine.🙄
  9. Leaded gas Nehru suits love beads Hippies Beatnicks lava lamps
  10. Fiddleheads Tiddlewinks cat gut strings
  11. Squibs are not caused by primers.
  12. Hell in a hand basket Gee whiz I’ll Drop a dime on him Penny for your thoughts
  13. The drug commercials are pretty bad too! They have music and dancing and everyone is so happy because the drug worked (if you can get by the side effects) Grrrrrr
  14. So this looks like a good thing with Winchester and Olin at the helm.
  15. I don't even have to go out of the house to get grumpy, the TV commercials alone are enough
  16. Not a meme just a cool picture!
  17. Hmmmm…..you’re right they’re not there! Did someone put a nasty cartoon on there?
  18. That was great!🇺🇸
  19. Yep me too!
  20. The one big problem I see is how do you know how many misses you had. Spotters don’t always agree and the TO isn’t supposed to spot.
  21. I meant that making a 9mm rifle is reaching out to the non cowboy crowd like on here. There are plenty of shooters that don’t shoot cowboy but have old west type guns I know quite a few! Those are the ones interested in a 9mm lever action rifle. That was my point I understand what you’re saying though.
  22. I just did and it looks like it’s all cowboy guns to me! What am I missing here?
  23. Is it really though?
  24. The war has been over for 160 years, you lost get over it already
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