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Dogs protected “mommy“

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My wife and I were closing up our general dealer shop one night when four men pushed past and demanded money. One punched me in the face, causing me to step back and fall over a pallet of meal, onto the floor. As he lunged at me again, I got ready to fight back, but from the corner of my eye I saw my wife being held down with a pistol to her head.

Defeated, I pointed in the direction of the till - just as four of our cross mastiff dogs came pouring through the doorway, with the six others coming in from the attached house, looking for the blood of those who dared to attack their “mommy”.

I have yet to see such terror replace the threatening looks of the assailants. They were out of there in a flash, running as fast as their legs could carry them. One was actually screaming.

My dogs will not normally attack anything, as they are raised with other animals, but anyone or anything that threatens my wife is dead meat. I’m Big Dog, so I am not protected, but provide protection to our weird “pack” of mixed animals and birds. I can call for back-up if required, but “mommy” is protected at all times.

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that makes me feel good about the end of your story - i had a bad feeling at the beginning , 


as a kid [from the day i was born] i had a german shepherd , he was a very friendly and docile gog but if anyone looked cross-eyed at me he would step between and get increasingly meaner if the threat didnt go away , i dont think it would have been a pleasant experience had anyone ever pushed the issue , currently my wifes dog will get defensive at anyone or anything that looks like its a threat to her so i get the point of your story 

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Race with a guy who’s dog considered his daughter his person.  He swatted her for doing something wrong, the dog bared it’s teeth and would have gone after him if he had done it again.  Dogs can be very protective of their people.  

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2 hours ago, Still hand Bill said:

Race with a guy who’s dog considered his daughter his person.  He swatted her for doing something wrong, the dog bared it’s teeth and would have gone after him if he had done it again.  Dogs can be very protective of their people.  

Had a cat growing up in my much younger days...I think I was about 3 and my dad came after me....I guess I did wrong, to young to remember what...But my dad took my arm and started to tan the bottom end...The cat jumped on his back with claws open...He backed off, so did cat...He started again and cat was also ready....After that day...He waited till cat was out side and door closed....


Texas Lizard

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I've had 2 Jack Russell Terrorists that were very protective and an angry JRT is surprisingly scary* with a tendency to go for the genitals on males, both dogs and people.  There is even YouTube video of a JRT chasing an adolescent elephant in India


I've spent 30+ years around dogs including 8+ years volunteering at shelter that takes in a lot of pit bulls and a few Rottweilers.  I've found few dogs of any breed with a more menacing growl than a JRT.  It's hard to put into words and I expect most of you don't believe me, but that growl conveys an absolute certainty on the JRT's part of a willingness to fight and expecting to win.



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Many years ago when I was a kid, a neighbor a few doors down had a baby.  They used to leave the kid in the carriage at the foot of their front steps to get some air, and lying down next to the carriage was the biggest Great Dane I ever saw.   No one went near the carriage.

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