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RIP Henry Kissinger

Rye Miles #13621

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I had the chance to spend some time with him at a bank function in NYC some years ago.  A lot of foreign clients were in attendance and were introduced to him.  Everyone was in awe of him.  A very interesting man.  Following his time as Secretary of State, he ran an advisory business and was in touch with world leaders on a regular basis.

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I'm  good friends with one of his nurse/caregivers for the past 4- 5 years. She called him a very interesting and very complex man. She said he was a brilliant thinker, currently tied up in the complexities of AI, and was on point to this day. His son, still flew him down to his office in NYC s few time a week.

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I missed that you had started this thread and so started a different one, "End of an Era," sorry to step on you.

I'm not sure what I think of him. Brilliant, certainly, there can be no doubt of it.  Most of my indecision comes from the Vietnam era and the negotiations.  Did he intentionally string it out, prolonging that war?  If so, to what end?  I recall Nixon campaigning on his "secret plan to end the war!" that was so secret he was able to use it again to get reelected, and Kissinger was waist deep in it.  


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He did help bring China up to a super power by convincing Nixon to talk with them. They are probably missing their old friend. :angry:

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On 11/30/2023 at 5:24 PM, Rye Miles #13621 said:

He did help bring China up to a super power by convincing Nixon to talk with them. They are probably missing their old friend. :angry:

After fighting two wars against them, then sold out our (and our true allies) manufacturing and tech sectors to them….. Yeah, brilliant.

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