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VihtaVuori N320

Volga Vigilante

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Greeting all.  Awhile back I lucked into some VihtaVuori powder.  I picked up several pounds of N320.  Does anyone have loading data or experience with this powder.  There website list heavier projectiles than what I would like to load.  I'm loading 105 and 124 grain pills in 38SPL.    Thanks for any help.  Volga Vigilante

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Load data: no.  Experience: yes.  It's my wife's powder for .32 H&R mag.  Very clean burning.  Favored by some local USPSA shooters for big matches so they don't have to clean their guns.  Pricey and hard to buy.  I don't use it in my reloads as it is too expensive just to keep my hands clean.

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Hi Volga,

Mae and I, plus several members of our group use V-N320. I load 3.2 grains on both 105 grain and 130 grain .38 bullets. It burns clean and meters well with very little recoil. With the 105  grain bullets it does leave burned powder residue but I like the powder.

Flat Top Okie

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Kat and I use 3.4 gr under a 125 gr TCFP in our rifles. 

Have been using magnum federal primers for a clean burn. 

‘Course we shoot them little “pop guns” for pistols. 


P. S.  See ya in the spring. 

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Check out the Brian Enos forum.  Mostly USPSA shooters over there but more information on VV N320 than you can shake a stick at.  Very popular powder for them.  Nice bunch of guys over there too if you have questions.

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+1 for Abilene's PDF, it matched my .45 Colt loads very well!


4 hours ago, Wild Eagle said:

Check out the Brian Enos forum.  Mostly USPSA shooters over there but more information on VV N320 than you can shake a stick at.  Very popular powder for them.

Yes, a lot of info, but (imho) not that useful for CAS unless you want to load for a PF above 125. I also use N320 for my IPSC 9mm reloads with a 145gr pill, very pleasant to shoot.

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I shot VV320 for many years.  It was before I changed to more BP ('04).   I had a very good source at time, along with Longhunter and Handlebar Doc.  3.3 grains was a nice load behind 125-130 grain bullets and Federal GM200M primers.

As Flattop mentions, I too, often got tiny "dots" of yellow residue that I could often just blow away.  

Excellent powder when price is right and good availability. 

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