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The Quiet Man

Forty  Rod SASS 3935

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One of my wife's favorite movies and I like it, too.  Watched it tonight for maybe the 25th time and spotted something I had never noticed before:  in the first scene in Cohan's pub they were singing The Wild Irish Boy.......but the mouths weren't making shapes the match the words.


Other that it is still a great movie with the best fight scene ever.

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I knew that the old man that got up from his deathbed to go see the fight was John Ford's brother. But I was not aware how many relatives were in that film.



This movie is, in many ways a family affair. Francis Ford, who played the old man who gets up from his deathbed to watch the fight, is John Ford's older brother. Patrick Ford, the directors son, did much of the stunt work for Victor McLaughlin during the fight scene, and was a unit director. Arthur Shields, who played the Reverend Playfair, is the younger brother of Barry Fitzgerald, Michaeleen Óge Flynn, who was born William Joseph Shields. Charles B. Fitzsimmons, who played Hugh Forbes, and James O'Hara, who played Father Paul, are the brothers of Maureen O'Hara. In addition, four of John Wayne's children are seen in the horse race scene.

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