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Wire Troubleshooting - Try Again!?

Misty Moonshine

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Just tried and I CAN now get to the Saloon with both my desktop and old iPad which are the two I could not before.  So what ever you did seems to have worked for accessing the Saloon. Thanks!!!!!


Still have some of the Aliases showing up large and covering titles like has been shown with examples by others in this thread.  It seems to be limited to those that lost their avitar and have not uploaded new ones yet.

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OK, Misty, as of yesterday morning, Nov 22, the Saloon appears to be working properly for me.  (I haven't tried the Wire yet)

Im not getting the Error 500 msg., and I am able to post comments again without re-logging in every time.  Thank you for whatever it was that you changed.  

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I was able to log into the Saloon last night with no problem! 

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