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USFA Lighting - .45 Colt

Chief Rick

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Can't find much about them on the all-knowing 'web...


Of course, that may just be my Googl-fu not being up to par.


Can't find anything on what kind of prices they are going for if/when they are available, nor reliability as just shooters or match guns.

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USFA Ligthnings are very scarce.  They built less than 400.  I have two.  One worked out of the box the other has never worked despite numerous mods and rewelding and recontouring parts.  Buy a Pedersoli.  Good quality, still made and parts are available.

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2 minutes ago, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

USFA Ligthnings are very scarce.  They built less than 400.  I have two.  One worked out of the box the other has never worked despite numerous mods and rewelding and recontouring parts.  Buy a Pedersoli.  Good quality, still made and parts are available.

Thanks.  I was approached by a semi-local that has one and is looking for help to sell it.  I am waiting for him to get back with me on how many rounds he's put through it and if any work was done on it.  Not really interested in it myself, but I told him I would try to help.

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I have one in .44-40 I bought to go with a pair of USFA 7 1/2" SAA in .44-40.  The rifle was used as main match rifle for several years.  It ran from day one out of the box.  I think the .44-40's ran better than any of the other calibers.  I have no idea where to find prices on them today.  I do know it would take a lot to buy mine.  My Rossi and Uberti rifles are all .44-40, my Marlin would have been if I could have found one in .44 WCF.  You might look at several acution sites in the sold area to see what you find.  I think my rifle cost around $1000 tax title and carry away.

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Parts are available here: https://onlineoutpost.net/pages/usfa-lightning-rifle-parts

I have a USFA lighting in 44-40, I ran it for a few years, works great. They were expensive at the time, the one I have, the deluxe 26" octagon barrel was $1,295. Here is a USFA price list from 2004.




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Way back When - I had occasion to commune with some USFA folks who related the worst decision USFA ever made was to make the Lightning.  An absolute nightmare of warranty problems, some of which couldn't be fixed.  Of course, the next really really bad decision was ZIP . . . . . . 

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