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Starting to get frustrated

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I have a Ruger Wrangler that a buddy asked me to smooth up for his young daughter.  Wolff springs has put my order for a 30/17 spring kit on hold, and Brownells shipped me one hammer spring out of the three I ordered.


Are they selling so many sets of springs that they can't keep these in stock.  Ruger's not making single actions right now, and they use heavier springs anyway.  




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Don’t know, but I was going to do some work to my New Vaquero and decided to wait until springs are easier to get. 

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Your govmint is paying people to stay home.  Where I work and every business I visit has managers doing skilled-labor jobs and entry-level jobs unfilled.


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The manufacturing is still lagging behind after all it was well over a year of shut downs, lack of employees, and shipping bottlenecks. I wish things would get back to normal with the flipping of a switch but it isn’t going to happen.

Just pretend you’re a Soviet or Cuban citizen in thewaning years of the Cold War standing in line hoping to get some bread and sausages at the mostly empty store.

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Wolff used to be the fastest to get stuff from. No longer, I waited 3 months for a Colt SAA spring kit and 2 months for some recoil and main springs for 1911’s. 

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18 hours ago, Utah Bob #35998 said:

The manufacturing is still lagging behind after all it was well over a year of shut downs, lack of employees, and shipping bottlenecks. I wish things would get back to normal with the flipping of a switch but it isn’t going to happen.

Just pretend you’re a Soviet or Cuban citizen in thewaning years of the Cold War standing in line hoping to get some bread and sausages at the mostly empty store.

Things will NEVER get back to "normal".  The ship sailed long ago.

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