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Vihtavuori N320

Buzzard Bayne

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Has anyone used Vihtavuori N320 for their cowboy loads?  I am running out of my favorites - WW231/HP38/Tite Group.  I can get N320, but cannot find my favorites.  I have a bunch of loading manuals with recommend loads, so I am just wondering if others have found the powder to be useful or useless for cowboy loads.

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I see a lot of loads for 180/200 Lead .45 colt.  probably a lot of other for .44 stuff.  I saw a couple for .38 special lead so I think you would find it useful.


STL Suomi

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Used it for years. So did or maybe still does Evil Roy, Long Hunter and many other top shooters. I used 3.2 to 3.6 grains with 125 grain .38’s in 38 special cases.. Used Federal magnum primers too.

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7 minutes ago, Caboose said:

Used it for years. So did or maybe still does Evil Roy, Long Hunter and many other top shooters. I used 3.2 to 3.6 grains with 125 grain .38’s in 38 special cases.. Used Federal magnum primers too.


Thanks that is what I needed to hear.  I can get a 4 lb can which should be more than enough to cover me during the drought.  I will run out of primers before I empty 4 lbs.

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2 hours ago, Caboose said:

Used it for years. So did or maybe still does Evil Roy, Long Hunter and many other top shooters. I used 3.2 to 3.6 grains with 125 grain .38’s in 38 special cases.. Used Federal magnum primers too.

Yes, I did also at one time, and back about the time mentioned.  3.3 grains as I remember.  I  still favor the Federal GM200M primers.

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6 hours ago, Equanimous Phil said:

I thought Evil Roy is advertising (and therefore using) VV's "cowboy powder" N32C? 

I said “did or maybe still does” .............send him an email on his shooting school website and ask.........

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Gypsy Rider, Gypsy's Daughter & Kay Sadeeya have shot hundreds of rounds of 38 special, 125 gn TCFP over 3.3 gns of N320.  Very light recoil.  The residue looks like orange grains of sand after it burns, so don't be surprised when your revolvers look like they are spitting sand.  I haven't tried it in 44-40 or 45...yet.




Editor's note:  This time I DID read & comprehend the thread!  Posted this same statement in a thread about N32C...which I read as N320.  Doh.

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