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IAC Lever Shotgun

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Need to get a lever shotgun, have seen some IACs going for about $600.00, here that's about US$300.00

Can you do a drop 2 conversion on those and are there any inherit problems which would make them avoidable.

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I have two and they both run well. One has Lassiter's drop 2 loading modification and the other is stock. I wouldn't hesitate to buy another IAC or NORINCO 1887. The ones to avoid are the current production marketed as a PW87.

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The ones marked PW87 are not IAC and you are correct they are on or near the bottom of the shopping list.

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6 hours ago, The Original Lumpy Gritz said:

Avoid any with a serial number prefix of 05 and lower.


Why do you say this?

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I had one for a while.  Look at the ergonomics - barrel axis in relation to stock axis, and the angles, then compare to your favorite current SG.   It tends to rear like a horse and kick like a mule.  finally traded it off.  Just my opinion and experience....... I am not a big person.

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