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Gun or Crossbow?

Rye Miles #13621

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Saw post title and thought maybe wanted opinion on killing zombies. Me? I wouldn't like to have to retrieve the bolts from their messy heads, so I say gun. :)


I really hate "reporters" who write like that.


Her husband, her "husband", her lover. Make up your mind. Pick one.


We had a "pre-op transexual" get arrested here, several years back. The newspaper store kept bouncing between sexual pronouns. SHE did this, and then HE did that, and the police booked HER, but then they placed HIM in a cell. Annoying.


Intimidating to see but grossly impractical.


Burkha and a crossbow. New superhero or just a goofy photo?

I'm goin with goofy. :wacko:


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