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Spring 2 DAY, THUNDER AT PARADISE PASS============MAY 17TH, 18TH

C.C. Moonshine

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cool!!!! what do we have for RO 1?

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Hoping to get the mower up that way soon. Mucho other things to finish first.


1 month away. The range is shaping up and it's gonna be a great shoot. Can't wait!!!

I hope you have a campsite prepped for me...one that's not down range, or on top of a snake den, or next to the quicksand. Oh, and I'll need at least a cord of split campfire wood and some gasoline.




I hope you have a campsite prepped for me...one that's not down range, or on top of a snake den, or next to the quicksand. Oh, and I'll need at least a cord of split campfire wood and some gasoline.



I thought we was rollin you up in your tent a floatin you in the pond.


naw, we'll play nice, a blow up mattress floating on the lake,,,,,we won't bring out tha pellet gun til after he turns in,,, hey Kayla, wanna have some fun...


naw, we'll play nice, a blow up mattress floating on the lake,,,,,we won't bring out tha pellet gun til after he turns in,,, hey Kayla, wanna have some fun...

I suppose we could do that....! But don't tell Spittoon!


thas wize I rote et sooo small, tha way he schutes, he shurly kant see!!!!


thas wize I rote et sooo small, tha way he schutes, he shurly kant see!!!!

I'd say he shoots like a girl, but he ain't THAT good! Haha!


oh, yura a gudun!!!!


hear thit Lil Piony?????


Lil Pony, I'm surprised yu had an ouch in yu after thit wun!!!!!! I'mma gonna kepe thit lil one on my side!!!


That'll get ya in trouble :P



Anyone that calls me a friend I'd better defend as they are far and few. Most just play nice nice and then when my back Is turned they take my poker chips and my whiskey.....well, I'm gonna fool them and switch to Vodka and I'm gonna start losin my chips that ways there aren't any to steal


So there




I'll be yer friend KK.....I dunt even noz howta play poker so yer chips dunt do me no gud.....the whiskey though is another story!! :D:D :D


nd yu thot I was treacherous.....................


Anyone that calls me a friend I'd better defend as they are far and few. Most just play nice nice and then when my back Is turned they take my poker chips and my whiskey.....well, I'm gonna fool them and switch to Vodka and I'm gonna start losin my chips that ways there aren't any to steal




So there





You have friends? Oh the world is in trouble now... :P




Yes I do have friends....there's Flush Draw, CC, Doc Eells, Purdy Boy, Furball and then the list gets smaller....in font size, that is: ,Michigan Slim, Mean Gun Mark, Deuce, Mingo, RJ, NBC, Boaz, Widder, Keystone, Short Tom, Two Sons, Even Buffy, Short Term, Lil Sis, Willie Getum, Boss Outlaw, Mack, Hundred X, Kate, Bren, Calico Mary, Mingo, Cowboy Rick, Travelin Kid, Prairie Dawg, Spoon, JD, Lassiter, Colt, Spud, Split Rail, Stoney, Doc Molar, Padre, Kid Lightning, Rose, Wilbur, Rose Gilray, Dusty, Hombre, Jerimiah, Velvet, Preacher, Wyatt, Chance, Chance Lady, CypressSon, Sam, Mogolon, Shenendoah, Lady,Spitoon, Frenchy, MT Hart, Jw Haus, Dogbite, Howdy Partner, Bad Shot, Reno, Snuffy, RRR, Sante Fe River Stan, Dang It Dan, Dang It's Darlin, Doc Noper, Cowboy, Three Gun Cole, JR Hammer, Manatee, Max Montana, Frederick Jackson Turner, Deadwood Stan, Judge, Judge Em All, Gunner Gatlin, Mathew Duncan, Mordici, Crossdraw, Fireball, Pitbull, Kaya, Possum Skinner, Sterling Gentry, Deadly Sharpshooter, Deadlee Hedley and Family, All the ladies of SASS, Roy L Pain, Griz, Chili Willi, Mean Marie, Misty, Amber, Shamrock Sadie,Wanamia, Arcadia Outlaw, Two Bit Drifter, Crossdraw, Pearly and Grits,Blackwater Desperado, Persimmon Dan, Michigan Rattler, Slo Mo, Indy Kid and wife,Triple Threat, Stubby, Ethan Callahan, Bad River Marty, Katie Callahan, Smokin Irons, Honey B Quick, Larkin, Millie, Wild Walt, Stroud, Slip Notz, JC,Digger,Buck, Turkey Legs,Chinaman, Duke, Ruby Red, Black Tom, Ace,Pa Derringer, DK Tracker, Kid Ziggy, Mustang Bill, BW, Rover, Rio, Rio Lobo,T-Bone, Thunderbolt Hayes, John E Law, Angus McNasty, Copperhead Joe, Persimmon Dan, Irish, Sixgun ......did I mention all of the women.... I've got to take a break, my mind is overworked...... and just about everyone I've ever met in this sport.




This is fun....I'm just reflecting and it's hard to think of all of fine people I've had the pleasure of shooting with...and as this old mind comes across a name, I'll add it....there are so many...


Hey Karl don't ferget your utter drink in buttie Michigan Slim. Lol


ok, I admit it, I'm Karl's friend,,,,, and yas, I do have a problem....


ok, I admit it, I'm Karl's friend,,,,, and yas, I do have a problem....


That's the 1st step Cheyenne, admitin ya gots a problem. But I ain't sure what the next steps are....😱😬


The next step is monthly meetings where you say: "My name is Peanut Butter and I have a problem"


sigh...... wait till yu meet Calico.... I think I will be attending meeting then!!! butcha gotta come to Hard Times to meet her!


Yes I do have friends....there's Flush Draw, CC, Doc Eells, Purdy Boy, Furball and then the list gets smaller....in font size, that is: ,Michigan Slim, Mean Gun Mark, Deuce, Mingo, RJ, NBC, Boaz, Widder, Keystone, Short Tom, Two Sons, Even Buffy, Short Term, Lil Sis, Willie Getum, Boss Outlaw, Mack, Hundred X, Kate, Bren, Calico Mary, Mingo, Cowboy Rick, Travelin Kid, Prairie Dawg, Spoon, JD, Lassiter, Colt, Spud, Split Rail, Stoney, Doc Molar, Padre, Kid Lightning, Rose, Wilbur, Rose Gilray, Dusty, Hombre, Jerimiah, Velvet, Preacher, Wyatt, Chance, Chance Lady, Son, Sam, Mogolon, Shenendoah, Lady,Spitoon, Frenchy, MT Hart, Jw Haus, Dogbite, Howdy Partner, Bad Shot, Reno, Snuffy, RRR, Sante Fe River Stan, Dang It Dan, Dang It's Darlin, Doc Noper, Cowboy, Three Gun Cole, JR Hammer, Manatee, Max Montana, Frederick Jackson Turner, Deadwood Stan, Judge, Judge Em All, Gunner Gatlin, Mathew Duncan, Mordici, Crossdraw, Fireball, Pitbull, Kaya, Possum Skinner, Sterling Gentry, Deadly Sharpshooter, Deadlee Hedley and Family, All the ladies of SASS, Roy L Pain, Griz, Chili Willi, Mean Marie, Misty, Amber, Shamrock Sadie, I've got to take a break, my mind is overworked...... and just about everyone I've ever met in this sport.




This is fun....I'm just reflecting and it's hard to think of all of fine people I've had the pleasure of shooting with...

Honored to see my name listed :D likewise pard ;)




That's the 1st step Cheyenne, admitin ya gots a problem. But I ain't sure what the next steps are....😱😬

Some problems take 12 steps.... Reckon this ain't one if 'em :P




KK....I am honored!! Can't wait ta meet ya! :blush::wub:




And Cheyenne huney....yu doz have a problem......ME!!!! :P:P :P :P


I guess Ize jus plain lucky!!


Yes I do have friends....there's Flush Draw, CC, Doc Eells, Purdy Boy, Furball and then the list gets smaller....in font size, that is: ,Michigan Slim, Mean Gun Mark, Deuce, Mingo, RJ, NBC, Boaz, Widder, Keystone, Short Tom, Two Sons, Even Buffy, Short Term, Lil Sis, Willie Getum, Boss Outlaw, Mack, Hundred X, Kate, Bren, Calico Mary, Mingo, Cowboy Rick, Travelin Kid, Prairie Dawg, Spoon, JD, Lassiter, Colt, Spud, Split Rail, Stoney, Doc Molar, Padre, Kid Lightning, Rose, Wilbur, Rose Gilray, Dusty, Hombre, Jerimiah, Velvet, Preacher, Wyatt, Chance, Chance Lady, Son, Sam, Mogolon, Shenendoah, Lady,Spitoon, Frenchy, MT Hart, Jw Haus, Dogbite, Howdy Partner, Bad Shot, Reno, Snuffy, RRR, Sante Fe River Stan, Dang It Dan, Dang It's Darlin, Doc Noper, Cowboy, Three Gun Cole, JR Hammer, Manatee, Max Montana, Frederick Jackson Turner, Deadwood Stan, Judge, Judge Em All, Gunner Gatlin, Mathew Duncan, Mordici, Crossdraw, Fireball, Pitbull, Kaya, Possum Skinner, Sterling Gentry, Deadly Sharpshooter, Deadlee Hedley and Family, All the ladies of SASS, Roy L Pain, Griz, Chili Willi, Mean Marie, Misty, Amber, Shamrock Sadie,Wanamia, Arcadia Outlaw, Two Bit Drifter, Crossdraw, Pearly and Grits, I've got to take a break, my mind is overworked...... and just about everyone I've ever met in this sport.




This is fun....I'm just reflecting and it's hard to think of all of fine people I've had the pleasure of shooting with...and as this old mind comes across a name, I'll add it....there are so many...


KK, I reckon I'm right honored to mentioned on your list. There are a lot of fantastic people on here and I hope I get to meet them all someday!! Thanks for everything you've done for me in the short time I've been playin this game.


Yes I do have friends....there's Flush Draw, CC, Doc Eells, Purdy Boy, Furball and then the list gets smaller....in font size, that is: ,Michigan Slim, Mean Gun Mark, Deuce, Mingo, RJ, NBC, Boaz, Widder, Keystone, Short Tom, Two Sons, Even Buffy, Short Term, Lil Sis, Willie Getum, Boss Outlaw, Mack, Hundred X, Kate, Bren, Calico Mary, Mingo, Cowboy Rick, Travelin Kid, Prairie Dawg, Spoon, JD, Lassiter, Colt, Spud, Split Rail, Stoney, Doc Molar, Padre, Kid Lightning, Rose, Wilbur, Rose Gilray, Dusty, Hombre, Jerimiah, Velvet, Preacher, Wyatt, Chance, Chance Lady, CypressSon, Sam, Mogolon, Shenendoah, Lady,Spitoon, Frenchy, MT Hart, Jw Haus, Dogbite, Howdy Partner, Bad Shot, Reno, Snuffy, RRR, Sante Fe River Stan, Dang It Dan, Dang It's Darlin, Doc Noper, Cowboy, Three Gun Cole, JR Hammer, Manatee, Max Montana, Frederick Jackson Turner, Deadwood Stan, Judge, Judge Em All, Gunner Gatlin, Mathew Duncan, Mordici, Crossdraw, Fireball, Pitbull, Kaya, Possum Skinner, Sterling Gentry, Deadly Sharpshooter, Deadlee Hedley and Family, All the ladies of SASS, Roy L Pain, Griz, Chili Willi, Mean Marie, Misty, Amber, Shamrock Sadie,Wanamia, Arcadia Outlaw, Two Bit Drifter, Crossdraw, Pearly and Grits,Blackwater Desperado, Persimmon Dan, Michigan Rattler, Slo Mo, Indy Kid and wife,Triple Threat, Stubby, Ethan Callahan, Bad River Marty, Katie Callahan, Smokin Irons, Honey B Quick, Larkin, Millie, Wild Walt, Stroud, Slip Notz, JC,Digger,Buck, Turkey Legs,Chinaman, Duke, Ruby Red, Black Tom, Ace,Pa Derringer, DK Tracker, Kid Ziggy, Mustang Bill, BW, Rover, Rio, Rio Lobo,T-Bone, Thunderbolt Hayes, John E Law, Angus McNasty, Copperhead Joe ......did I mention all of the women.... I've got to take a break, my mind is overworked...... and just about everyone I've ever met in this sport.




This is fun....I'm just reflecting and it's hard to think of all of fine people I've had the pleasure of shooting with...and as this old mind comes across a name, I'll add it....there are so many...



This is fun....I'm just reflecting and it's hard to think of all of fine people I've had the pleasure of shooting with...and as this old mind comes across a name, I'll add it....there are so many...

Actually this is fun....I'm over 130 and still counting.


Back atcha you ol' bas#$%^. We are honored! Just don't stand too close and DO NOT speak to me in public!


wow, you say that and yur lil girl reads this???? for shame!


When you see the look Spittoon gets -thats the look I'll get! She be my manners police.


aren't kids wonderful!!!!! :D:D :D


They sure are. Proud as can be of my two.


Got 6 more apps in, and several more phone calls.


Keep them coming !!!


Getting close now !!!


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