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SASS Wire Forum

Bridgeport Rig

Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

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As you can tell by my posts I am brand new to the world of SASS so I am asking politely why would this not be a legal rig? I am currently trying to build a set for myself and was wodering why this wouldn't be legal. I understand that the barrel could accidentally be swung behind you but I was going to incorporate a mechanism to prevent this. I had not planned on using mine for SASS as it would not resemble the "original" patent design and I would not want folks to think I was trying to gain an advantage. In fact it more closely resembles an open faced "speed" holster with a kydex shield to prevent tipping the barrel backwards as well as protecting the trigger from accidental discharge. It will also help protect the finish of your revolver from scratches etc. if you brush against something. Just curious as to what others think and not trying to be confrontational. I believe it was patented in 1887 by a fella' named Flatteau who was a sherriff or something like that. The only reason I'm interested is that my grandfather had one of these rigs when I was a kid and didn't have a clue as to what it was. When he passed alot of his "stuff" mysteriously disapeared. I wanted to build one and actually use it just as a novelty and to do something different for when I carry. Thanks for the link as well.

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How about....It's not a HOLSTER and SASS rules require the use of HOLSTERS......



All handguns must be carried in a safe holster capable of retaining the firearm throughout a normal range of motion.





While it's way cool it's not a holster. No go.


And... an external mod to the handgun.

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