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Greenie Stickem Caps...


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A bit of historic trivia on those roll caps you show. Those caps for toys come straight from the Maynard Tape Primer system that was tried for military muskets. Looked good on paper and did well in dry weather tests. Didn't do well under real field conditions.

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Greenie caps, now that's something I have not seen in more than 50 years. We used to have those to put in our pot metal shooting irons back in the day. We also used to unroll them and hit them one by one with a hammer on the concrete sidewalk in front of our house. I can still remember the time my brother took a whole roll of them and flattened to roll out pretty good and hit that with my Dad's hammer. We thought he blew out his eardrums it was so loud. Neither one of us ever tried that again either.



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Actually the pic is of roll caps which came rolled up in a long strip, stickems you pulled off one at a time and stuck them on the back of the cartridge like a primer.

I think my hearing is impaired, cause I found out that if you put a whole roll of caps on the sidewalk and hit it with a hammer it would all go off at once like a big firecracker......Doc

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Actually the pic is of roll caps which came rolled up in a long strip, stickems you pulled off one at a time and stuck them on the back of the cartridge like a primer.

I think my hearing is impaired, cause I found out that if you put a whole roll of caps on the sidewalk and hit it with a hammer it would all go off at once like a big firecracker......Doc


Or carefully, using your moms best scissors, trim the paper off the sides, then snip out the part with the powder. Pack it into a cardboard tube - the used BB packs that looked like paper hulled shotgun shells worked well - and add some Jet-ex fuse.


I'm told that works to make a firecracker. ^_^

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