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Thank you, Pres. Truman

Subdeacon Joe

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My brothers and I might not be here except for you. I suspect that is true for a lot of people on this forum.

just think how many folks condemn him for his decision to end WW2


If he hadn't done what he did Operation Downfall could have cost half a million men.


And that was just Allied casualties, roughly half a million in 90 day, of which 100,000 to 225,000 would be dead or missing.


Estimates of Japaneses casualties run 3,000,000 to 10,000,000 for the same time.


Mr President


:FlagAm: He was the Correct and Right President for the time. :FlagAm:


I appreciate the fact he used it to save a lot of American lives. Even though my Dad was 35, farmed and had three kids they were about to draft him.


Haven't studied the matter much but use of the bomb might have made Stalin back off a little in Germany and in Indochina. We killed a lot more people with the fire bomb raids anyway.


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