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Prayers please .. for Ed Laylows curley

Deja Vous

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So, again I find myself asking you to pray for Ed.. LayLows... tonight and every night. He is struggling with cancer and at times my own heart is heavy with dispair. But because my cup comes full, not just half full, I believe in miracles. So, would you pray for a simple miracle for Eds tonight for me please?


If you don't know Eds, he has a sharp wit, but a big heart. He makes ya laugh, and think, and love life all at the same time. His wife and constant companion Peppers is a perfect match for this strong man. They both have the cowboy spirit.. in fact I think they might have invented it.


There is nothing, I mean nothing, like an evening with them.. lol.. You never know what TV show, or movie Ed will pull out for you to watch, and we spend the evening laughing and enjoying the night like you should enjoy life. Ed is life, with a spin on a bit of brillance.


This year we have hung out doing gold panning, shooting, shopping, eating out, gone to parties, and I have grown to love Ed like a Brother and Peppers like a Sister. What started out to be just silly friends last summer on a visit to CA, turned into a friendship that I treasure above all else. I miss them when I do not see them, wish I could do so much more, and try to stay out of the way when they need time away from my sense of humor.. loll


So, tonight I am sending all my thoughts to God and my prayers for Ed... Please do the same... Ed Laylow Curleys.. A true Cowboy.. Deja

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You're a good friend and a good Cowgirl, Deja.


Prayers continue for LLC and Pepper.

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I'm up early this Sunday morning. Ed & Terri are in my thoughts and prayers as they are every day . Lord Jesus, if it be your will we pray in your Name for a miracle healing for Ed. Amen



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My prayers for peace and complete healing... Lord, place your healing hand on Ed and mend his body... Wisdom, skill, and discernment for all of the medical staff... Understanding for all...



Vaya con Dios

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Deja, Peppers and Laylow Curley are blessed to have ya as a friend.


I will talk to my Lord tonight fer them and you.



"Not my will, be thine be done !"


Amen !

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Mine too!

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Prayers up from me and Titus. Only know them from the Wire, but any Cowboy friends of yours are friends of ours.

Thank you MO.. could you please ask my old pards back there to toss me a prayer here too.. We need a bunch of them to beat this one.. So, Fannie yo and Titus, where are you heading next to shoot... Deja.

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Add my prayers to the list.


I wish them all the best.


~EE Taft~

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