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I Want to Learn How to Reload

John Boy

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But the people on the internet said....


I don't often laugh out loud at stuff like that, but that and the sniper one are hilarious.

Plus it sounds like it should be a Geico commercial.

Sad, funny and true

Poppy, ain't it the truth! Here are some I've saved from the various Internet forums:

* 'I want to reload 45 Colt brass and use Red Dot. How much powder should I put in the case? I was thinking to fill the case because what they say to use leaves so much air space."

* "I have a question to to those with experience - Is there a generic difference between blue or red bullet lubes, or is it just a matter of what they have available?"

* "OK..just got my new Lee 4-turret press and I also have a Lee Load-all II. I have yet to reload a shell but am close to it. I do see anywhere in the manuals that tells me how to get left over powder from the presses back into the bottle with out taking them apart. Or should I just leave it there. I will not be reloading all that often but I will be using the same powder in all of my loads. Thanks in advance as you guys have always come through with the answers."

* 'I want to pan lube my bullets. How many bullets can I pan lube with 2 ounces of lube?'


I was going to identify the specific forums, but that may implicate directly the posting individual ... so they will remain nameless.


Anyone remember others you have seen, that I missed and didn't save?


"Throughout the course of human history, it has been observed that there are three ways in which people learn things:


The first group of humans learn by reading about the subject at hand by experts.


The second group learns by watching the results of others.


The third, and final group absolutely, positively HAVE to pee on the electric fence to see what happens!".


...........Doc Silverfinger


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