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Jim No Horse

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Everything posted by Jim No Horse

  1. Shooting last so you..... don't have to... JNH

  2. Shooting last, so you don't  have to...

    Jim No Horse

  3. You guys crack me up...if I only lived closer I could shoot last with you guys....Jim
  4. Rye Miles???????????????? Do we have to include him??? ?...Jim
  5. Thanks for the video Warden....I like seeing the actual process...Jim
  6. Rye...what will they call you? Weinie...sissy...quiter...weather conflicted...32....are you guys serious...that is hardcore...good luck and have fun...you Tusco guys are the real deal....Jim
  7. Man oh man..you shotgun shell reloaders are hardcore...Jim
  8. We need an update!
  9. Come on down...I will actually loan you good pistols...unlike Hoss... in fact my sights have little or no wear on them...welcome to the game and look forward to shooting with you...Jim
  10. Thanks Dan...a heads up for us all....Jim
  11. Good on you Pit Bull...you make me smile...looking forward to shooting with you some day.....Jim
  12. Another good man gone. God bless him and all who loved him in this time of darkness and loss....Jim
  13. It seems to me thank you post threads don't llast as long as grumpy threads. Heres to a nice guy....Jim
  14. Cranky...I'll give you cranky....lol...Jim
  15. God bless all who knew and loved him...be with each and everyone to give them peace and comfort in this time of loss...in Jesus name I pray Amen....Jim
  16. God bless them one and all....Condolences to Whiskey and the loved ones....Jim
  17. Gee willikers Mr Cleaver I think some of my pals got cabin fever....got my answer and so did you Misty...2,300 views and 40 replies...you are much loved and respected....I will call the ranch if I ever get to wondering again (not likely) ..got 8 or 9 from our club coming this year to EOT...gonna need a really big golf cart...lol...see you there...Jim
  18. Dang it if we ain't the best...a collective pat on the back for us all...but Sippin Whiskey in particular... a big welcome and a thank you for your kindness to our pal Dawg. Anything I can do to help or if you ever need something down in Austin Texas call me...its a small world....Jim
  19. Love my Colts Rye...love em...Jim
  20. We both forgot about it and it sure made the day all the sweeter....Jim
  21. He left the match angry many months ago. Saw him Saturday and greeted him warmly. No mention of the past event! We had a great day. So is there a guy who just puts a burr under your saddle? Is there a way to reconcile with him or her? An e-mail special note...a friendly word? Anybody got a story for me??? Thanks Jim
  22. Double post please delete....thanks
  23. Hoss...146 shots and one miss...almost clean (have they got a pin for almost) that danged TO was using one of those sand filled egg timers...that doesn't seem right does it? Jim
  24. We had 85 shooters today...sunny weather...70 degrees...old friends and new visitors Hoss...Skyfall...Marshal John Henry...checking out the new range...our first of many matches. Our thanks to the Judge and his wife Rita for allowing us on their lovely ranch and the construction crew who worked countless hours to make today possible...Thanks to all Jim
  25. Wow...what a mind...Thanks Joe
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