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Abilene Slim SASS 81783

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Everything posted by Abilene Slim SASS 81783

  1. Thanks for that. I wondered about what became of the Anacin brand. Excedrin and Anacin were big competitors.
  2. Announcer said “jet prop” at the very beginning.
  3. There’s a whole lotta overthinking goin’ on in this here thread. To quote one of my BP mentors from way back, Driftwood Johnson, “…it ain’t rocket surgery.”
  4. 40 grains of OE is more than enough (I use 38 grains equivalent under 1 oz #8 shot). There’s plenty of smoke, flame and boom with that. More than that is a waste of good powder.
  5. As others have said, it’s a ‘92 Winchester clone. I had the chance to extensively handle and shoot a couple back in November. A local scout troop bought them and we put them through their paces at an annual fundraiser held at our range. The guns were brand new straight from the box. We put about 400 rounds of factory .38 SP through each, at 5 rounds per shooter for 800 rounds total. We club volunteers loaded and cleared them after each shooter as quickly as we could. Needless to say, they got warm and dirty throughout a long day. They were stiff and notchy as most new ‘92s are these days, but held up well under the abuse. We had to retire one of the guns towards the very end as we started getting failures to fire, no doubt due to crud buildup. They’re good looking, but will definitely need some gunsmithing to smooth things out, which is in line with every gun we play with in our game. The first thing I’d do is shorten the mag tube spring and lighten the loading gate spring. After 300 or so rounds I had to use a Bic pen as a push stick to get rounds through the gate. Dang, my fingers got sore! At $700 which is significantly less than a new toggle link gun, it seems like a good starter rifle. It will definitely need tuning, but will last you until you get the itch to add to your collection. I started with a ‘92 and shot that for my first 3 years in SASS.
  6. I’m with Abilene. I can see the edge of the film in the photos (or the residue).
  7. Mama had to go out and get the groceries. Now papa can take a nice nap. 😁
  8. The Sass Wire search feature on this forum is next to useless. Put Sassnet.com followed by your search topic into Google and it’ll give you links to the Sass Wire related to your search.
  9. Three classic Henry shooters- me, Dantankerous and Major at Butterfield Gulch
  10. This is terrible news. We’ve lost a magnificent cowboy…. 😪 https://www.kwch.com/2025/01/13/man-killed-mitchell-county-crash/
  11. I bet they’re looking at a lighthouse.
  12. He also died in "The White Buffalo" (1977)
  13. Weather guessers got it right this time. They said 8-13” for our area and we have 10+ as the storm winds down. Haven’t had a snow dump like this in 10 years or so. Grid has held up for us, but not everyone in the metro area is as fortunate. Gonna get a good workout with the snow thrower and shovel Monday!
  14. Ice is accumulating here in KC area. Roads are treacherous already, but no snow yet. That’s supposed to start in the morning. We don’t have anywhere to go and are in good shape. Hope the power grid holds up. We have a generator, but it’s super heavy and hard to move from the shed. Sounds like I’m complaining but I’m not. We’ve been down this road before, so it’s mostly an inconvenience.
  15. The airfields were bigger and better suited for modern needs.
  16. The US is beginning to refurbish Tinian for use in case things get hot with China.
  17. Weather guessers are going nuts here in KC area, gonna be snowmageddon. Usually it ends up being ice and an inch of snow. Great entertainment value on the local news channels. Just the same, I fired up the snow thrower today in case I’m wrong. 😊 Regardless, I’d rather have a big dump of snow than ice.
  18. A number of years ago I got a personal tour of the Lake City ammo plant near Kansas City. Got to see the entire operation of making 5.56 ammo where a friend was managing that program. Fascinating.
  19. I can’t offer anything but sympathy and empathy for your situation. Went thru a very similar situation with my father in law’s death decades ago. 🙏
  20. When the USS Missouri was retired after the Gulf War, it was costing $1M per day to operate. The other more important issue was the lack of skilled personnel and facilities to maintain the aging machinery. By then, those folks were elderly or dead. After the Iowa turret explosion in the 80’s, the physical capability to repair it didn’t exist anymore, even if they had the personnel.
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