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Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933

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Everything posted by Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933

  1. I hate it when the posse marshal is reading the stage and says "firearms may be shot in any order BUT rifle may not be last." If rifle may not be last don't waste my time saying firearms may be shot in any order.
  2. Here you go. Trace the butt on the paper and cut it out. When it goes bad stick on another piece.
  3. The link to Amazon for some reason did not show a photo. Here it is. This is their thinest model - 1/2"
  4. The Renegades I have seen here in the U.S. have a thin recoil pad on them like shown in the photo. The pad is usually slip resistant. If the original pad is missing or gotten hard you could replace it with a thin Limbsaver. Those are downright sticky. https://www.amazon.com/LimbSaver-Grind-Recoil-Low-Profile-Stocks/dp/B002E50HKW/ref=sr_1_15?crid=4JPBLO5ZSIYE&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.TwfMqfV81MBbRoJRhLjzg0VuzvlyZ0qPM0f-L7fDhC9x65-ppITmuSoN3C9cV17edhePvy5AgSamoreyBdPoUp_N1NkueWfO9x6QAeTiCF46uZCVwLSd405lNnLGYR1Lq48Xa5OqVk-_KR0QEKJJ38Trb3xvl6Ej73uyA2LKMollvQSdfJgPyp5v3HKSE09maaKivC9l0hAU0Dk063dKFv1T8HV-ZyuZhyMu-kfF5eJvNOHL-31hJvNcyPiMWhbAiPj91ljon19m1VijvjtHD6g8itO92cqPY5810-2VC8M.HHLaatcZjxK-6JpDyblFmp7mJJi4UGxgpYWMCMVtJI4&dib_tag=se&keywords=thin+limbsaver+recoil+pad&qid=1731533336&sprefix=thin+limbsaver+recoil+pad%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-15
  5. A friend gave me a box of these at the Trap range yesterday and I though some might be interested in seeing them. They are a box of the old Activ shell brand. These were heavy loads and not legal for trap so he gave them to me. They were made from the 1970s up to the 1990s. What made them unusal is that they are all plastic. Another feature that made them unusual is they were made from a special plastic that would stretch slightly but not expand. So they could be reloaded without sizing AND they made for great roll crimped shells as the stretchy plastic could be reloaded many times without wearing out. The only remaining extruded shell on the market is the Remington STS. The rims are crimped to the STS hulls and sometimes just fall off when reloading or shooting from a semi-auto. They are very similar to the old Activ hulls is construction. (STS green.)
  6. Drinking may have been the cause of the young ladie's problem in the first place.
  7. Bisleys are very low production and few vendors have any in stock period let alone pre-short stroked. You will almost for sure have to find a pair and then have them short stroked. I agree with Ike. If possible try a pair first. One of the reasons they are low production is because a lot of people find the grip uncomfortable. I see you posted while I was posting. If you like them then that is what you need.
  8. Renegade? Is that the one with the shotgun buttstock and factory installed recoil pad? If it has a recoil pad does it slip if you take the leather off?
  9. That is interesting. Hodgdon says not to compress 777 in cartridges yet you say you can compress it up to 1/4". I don't think that is particularly good advice. Hodgdon and other manufacturers actully pressure test their data. What documented testing have you done? 1/8 to 1/4" compression is more of a BP guideline not 777. Fine 99% of the time means a one in one hundred failure rate. In even a small match you will typically fire more than 100 rounds. Not very good odds.
  10. This is off the Hodgdon website. This is for cartridges. For cap and ball revolvers the key words are "heavy compression." As a practical matter there will be some compression but stop pressing on the loading lever as soon as you feel the ball touch the powder.
  11. Little tiny cartridge in a great big port. Yes it is easy to throw a round into the ejection port. Remember to hold onto the inner mag tube when you are pushing it in after loading the mag tube or you may find it downrange in the dirt.
  12. There is no standardized " the Derringer side match" and thus no format. Each club and match makes up its own format. I manned the Derrigner side match at EOT in New Mexico for a number of years. It was different from year to year. For example, one year it might be sitting at a card table with a target taped on the other side of the table at point blank range. Both shots on the same target. Simply an exercise in who could thumb the gun the fastest. In another year it might be two targets out five or six yards and spread out from each other so you had to aim and swing the gun from target to target. Most of the time you won't know what the target distance and sequence will be until you get to the match. As far as guns Bond basically dominates the event.
  13. It wasn't closed. They let Hells Comin in.
  14. That is the one that is in sort of a bad place. You can look for one of those short sights that some referred to above. Here are the two Marbles sizes. They have a standard and a short model. Neither will work when installed in the normal position. What some people do is mount the sight backwards with the blade toward the muzzle. Looks funky but works fine. What a lot of people use on that style dovetail is a Ruger 10-22 rear sight. It works fine. A last option is to fill the existing dovetail with a dovetail blank and mill a new one further forward. The 10-22 sight is cheap and easy.
  15. Post a photo so we can see where your present dovetail is located. This will dictate what kind of site will fit.
  16. I thought I had done an article on this. See page 44 https://www.sassnet.com/uploads/downloads/cowboychronicle/2016/16janchron.pdf
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