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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. Okay, now I've seen it. The WOO on every WOO looks out of time with the actor's lips and/or CGI character's lips. Cheaply done IMO. I guess it was cheaper than hiring whomever the statue was supposed to be.
  2. The scenes in SPR look real because they are filmed in real time, with real special effects, with real people, from various angles of view. I'm sure that all of that costs A LOT more money than some people sitting at a computer. If they tried to remake SPR today with CGI, even now, it would look so fake...it would be impossible for me to watch. One of the reasons that we (my lady and I) haven't been to see a movie for a while is the proliferation of CGI movies...if I have to pay to see a movie, I don't want to watch badly made cartoonish looking characters or events. I admit that I haven't seen the commercial in question.
  3. Can't be great artwork, no duct tape. It's only worth $850,000 without the tape.🤢
  4. My condolences to you and your family on the loss of your brother.
  5. I always thought that the Bald Eagle was the National Bird. About time that it became official. The only worthwhile thing he's done in 4 years.
  6. I really believe that the entitled attitude and behavior all stems from the events of the plague. People got into social media platforms (including this one) in which they could maintain a sense of anonymity and perceived safety. When the plague suddenly ended, they had to come out of hiding and reenter the real world but still have the illusion of they can say anything, wear anything and/or do anything they want to do without facing consequences. Allowing them to get away with their rude behavior only encourages them to continue it. It is odd that when confronted, they consider the person confronting them to be the rude, obnoxious party.
  7. The alligator never got any credit, no residuals....nothing. Probably ended up as a pair of shoes and a purse. Sheb Wooley would be a great alias.
  8. My dad gave me his copy, watched about a quarter of it. I'm with Rye. I tried to give it away, no one wanted it. I tried to let someone steal it by putting it on my dashboard at a state winter match. Came back to my vehicle expecting it to be gone...there were two more next to it! Just kidding about the dashboard thing.
  9. It's quite noticeable around here. Seems like everyone is running around with a bottle of nitroglycerine shoved up their *** just waiting for something trivial to blow up on ever since the plague. On the other hand, my trip to the post office today was completely uneventful even though the obese lady, the only person in front of me, wanted to stare at her damn cell phone instead of taking her turn.
  10. Ketchup has few uses in my world. Meatloaf topping (pre-oven), sparingly on fries, occasionally on a hot dog and that's about it. I don't care what anyone else uses it for, if they like it with ketchup on it...have at it. Mustard is the same way. A dash in egg salad (if my lady isn't eating it), occasionally on a dog, a dash for deviled eggs and dried mustard in whatever recipes call for it. Mayonnaise has no uses in my world unless there is no Miracle Whip. Miracle Whip is used for many things. Hot dogs (w/cheese), egg salad, deviled eggs, sliced turkey or ham or bologna or most any sandwich and several other things. Hamburgers get cheddar cheese, bacon and thousand island dressing. Everyone else can have them the way they would like if I have the toppings/condiments on hand. Although I have sliced dill pickles (for my lady), I don't put them on anything as I don't like pickles. Yes I know that 1000 island has pickles in it. Properly prepared steaks get nothing but salt and pepper on them. I have Worcestershire, A-1 and a couple of novelty steak sauces if people want, most don't I like spicy bbq sauce on my chicken although I prepare it many different ways. Salt and pepper on almost everything, I guess I'd only be invited to Alpo's house once. I have zero problem with anyone who wants to alter my cooking to their liking, doesn't bother me in the least. If I'm at someone's house and there is no salt or pepper on the table, I'll ask for it. No one has ever been offended that I've noticed.
  11. Cool, that's how I became a member of SASS. My Dad gifted a membership for Christmas in '97. Had one ever since.
  12. A 140 lb pi**ed off wife is more than I want to handle....let alone that thing. Now I wonder what they taste like. Edit - The Gaur.
  13. Unfortunately, I believe that you are on spot with the safety issue point.
  14. They are a good bunch of people...but I'm cheap...I mean thrifty!
  15. I'm very careful about range pickup brass. I've had .22 LR brass go all the way through the tumbling in vibratory tumbler process, media separation process and putting it in a storage container. Didn't discover it until it got stuck on the decapping pin, jamming up the loader one time and breaking the decap pin on two other occasions. Sure, decap pins are not expensive and replacing them is easy, but it sure disrupts the reloading process. As far as small primer .45 ACP brass, I inspect every piece of brass before it goes into the tumbler and cull the small primer brass out to be stored in a separate container for future emergency use.
  16. I can't recall having any carolers come by in at least 25 - 30 years.
  17. I'd rather the wrong brass use a different shell holder as it would then be easily identifiable.
  18. When you're loading .38 spl and get a piece of .357 mag in the mix. Ruins the brass but makes a helleva bell!
  19. Simple, yet effective enough. https://www.amazon.com/Edgemaker-Sharpener-Perfect-Sharpening-Honing/dp/B000HAXJAQ/ref=sr_1_12_sspa?crid=3IS22M7S7O18R&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.BddQaXst2eBUMioyQHcpJpfheAzHkIexxz0pTo-ZInpumBuZfj4yN3pJFv0C__j2KA1_OXBN7Nm5vZ04KsdvDlpdGCZ1d-IL0Fd-bH912KYOT2xCsU4fJYRUvNAsqpGFI4kauHhKcYMDyX6tucBalS6KtArYJRQBrZcKZSmN_XsBReHAU1WTwlwHRduQ2acRAaO7vPM2UTL_k28QOVm--cCuJzC8kukBeORDNdkO7b_EV5joBhMk1q4ToAGGMRDOATJQdvm_EHTAECnbO2dnFsby2OmzJmcUKOTAHbV8Aqc.y4kKTBtLzeKz4xQIp63aO_pm3htC4PtXqFbvfs2ZH9E&dib_tag=se&keywords=hand%2Bheld%2Bknife%2Bsharpeners%2Bamazon&qid=1735144635&sprefix=hand%2Bheld%2Bknife%2Bsharpeners%2Bamazon%2Caps%2C162&sr=8-12-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1
  20. Had one bounce off the ceiling in my garage, come down and hit the concrete floor. Heard it clear as a bell, both impacts. Start looking for it...for about 20 minutes until some bad words became audible. My gal comes out and asks what's going on, why are you cussing. Told her the story of the indent ball and the bing - bonk ceiling floor landing. She looked down, bends over to pick up something and says "You mean this?". Yep, the indent ball. I thanked her for finding it...but I was thinking some bad words again.
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