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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. If you go to 6...you'll go way past that....eat the worm past that. I'm just glad I was wearing a white motorcycle helmet, a TAC flight suit and RayBans. Still had all of it on at 2:00 pm the next day. That's 1400 for you TAC guys.
  2. Until the next day, or days in my case and I KNOW that for a fact. Haven't had tequila since 10/31/83.
  3. One miss 5-SECOND PENALTIES Misses are 5-Second penalties. Revolver, rifle, and shotgun targets must be engaged with the appropriate type of firearm. A MISS is defined as the failure to hit the appropriate target type using the appropriate type of firearm and includes: - Each missed target. - Each unfired round. - Inadvertently left rounds in a revolver are misses, unless there is an unfired round under the hammer, in which case it is a Stage DQ. - Each target hit with an incorrect firearm – either intentionally or by mistake. - Each target hit with illegally acquired ammunition
  4. There are undoubtably many amateur gynecologist's here on this site...but I don't know why the professional ones would do that. If I did that, it would definitely be the end of my amateur career.
  5. My best friend "runs" a tractor part time when the crops are in season. The tractor is all computerized and GPS controlled. All he does drive it to the fields, get it in position, let it make it's long/slow run, turn it around at the end of the row and try to stay awake. It's fully climate controlled with a cushy seat and AM/FM/CD. He says the biggest challenge is driving it on the road as it is so wide that he sometimes takes out mailboxes on accident which he calls in and someone comes out an fixes the damage. He sent me pictures of the various tractors he operates. The biggest is almost twice the size of a semi rig and almost as long.
  6. Start smoking tobacco products to improve your health? No offense, but that's the dumbest thing I heard all week. Smoking tobacco will NOT help with diabetes or any other medical ailment. I'm not a medical professional but I smoked two packs+ of cigarettes for 45+ years...they have ZERO beneficial qualities to your health.
  7. I picked up a "Pardner" at WalMart about 20 years ago for $85. I don't want to sell it but check around your local sources, I've seen them as low as $50 - 60 and they're probably still inexpensive at Wally World. As cheap as they are, no sense in paying long gun shipping prices. Good luck!
  8. That's exactly why every mall in the US should be required to have a minimum of one bar and one gun store located within the mall. It would make shopping fun...which means she'll never want you to shopping with her again...ever.
  9. I like them all!!, Thanks! Favorites are.... #3 - A boy and his dog, how can you not like it? #7 - Mail a kid...no returns! #20 - Jumping the kids. I've seen a close up of that pic, the expressions on the girls faces and hand gestures are priceless.
  10. Believe it or not, it stands for Beast Of Burden.
  11. Louis Conter, the last known survivor from the USS Arizona has passed away at the age of 102. As of now, there are only 19 known American survivors from the attack on Pearl Harbor, 12/07/1941. Thank you for your continued service, even long after WWII. RIP Mr. Conter https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68711781
  12. That must have occurred during the rough-in. Fortunately, at that stage of the game...it's easy to remedy. Later on, not so much. Remedy, educate the person drilling the studs to look on the other side of where you're drilling. Fire the idiot that ran the wire through the riser.
  13. Hope everything is okay with you, J-Bar and the folks in the path of the storm. I know that some of the spring storms can get quite dangerous with tornadoes and super-cell tornadoes. My ex was in the Zenia tornado/super outbreak and was scared to death of them, with good reason. A few of the beach cities around Pinellas County, Florida have hurricane sirens...I don't know why, you'd have to live under a rock not to know one is coming. I've never seen or heard about any tornado sirens in Florida. They do have Emergency Management phone alerts but I shut off that feature during the plague when they were sending out alerts for "Safe this and safe that". The final straw was when they sent out an "emergency message at 11:00pm about "Safe boating, maintain 6' distance while boating"...have these idiots ever been on a boat? The sirens that would have made me very concerned (if they went off) were the ones around and near the Crystal River nuke plant. It's been shut down and decommissioned for many years but when it was up and running, it always had problems. I don't know if they ever went off but I sure wouldn't have wanted to be there is they did.
  14. FDOT had the infinite wisdom to install a traffic info sign over the road on the north side of a southbound overpass. This overpass notoriously usually has traffic stopped directly on the south side of the overpass but you can't see that until you near the crest of the hill. Speed limit is 55 but people are usually doing 70. They look up at the sign that says something like "Distracted driving causes crashes" and then crash into the people stopped dead on the other side of the overpass. It took them a year or so, but they finally moved the sign about 100yds to the south, problem solved...sort of.
  15. If you're worried about the 125's not knocking down the targets, carry some 158's also just for that purpose. Many folks carry "knockdown" rounds that are only for knockdowns.
  16. I don't care for any movie that uses extensive CGI in place of acting or actors and ridiculous/impossible stunts and action scenes. The movies these days seem to be overly heavy on this type of "action and acting", which I don't consider either action or acting.
  17. I always like Fleer the best...Bazooka Joe miniature comics. Back then, it really didn't matter...baseball cards, comics...it was bubblegum. That was some weird white stuff on the card gum though. Double Bubble...meh.
  18. When the Skyway disaster happened it stopped traffic across the mouth of Tampa Bay for some time. We were lucky as there were two separate bridges, that although looked alike, one was opened in 1954 and the that got knocked down in 1974. After the southbound (western) side was destroyed, they checked the northbound side for damage, being none, they eventually reopened it to two way traffic. Until it was reopened, it was about a 70 mile one way trip to go from Pinellas County to Manatee County or about a 10 mile trip when the bridge was there. The two way traffic stayed that way until the new Skyway was opened in 1987. The new design included barriers called dolphins to protect the main and secondary supports for the bridge. Gotta tell ya, it was really disturbing to drive the Skyway during the transition. You're driving up a bridge that looked exactly like the one on the other side, except...the other side isn't there anymore...just a big Evel Knievel ramp on either side of a big void....a constant reminder. The flat/non-ramp portion of the bridge still there as a fishing pier so the mental picture of the old bridge still exists in my mind. They closed off the 1954 section of the old bridge and removed individual sections of it so it cannot be traversed. The 1974 section is still open. Every time I go across it, I remember that day, the rain, my old co-workers and the house I was helping wire. I also think about the Greyhound bus, Wesley MacEntire and that car that missed going off by about 2'.
  19. No one has forgotten about the victims, but there is no sense in having more fatalities to recovering the remains. Although they haven't come out and said it directly, I have to imagine that the submerged victims are inside of vehicles that are now intertwined with the bridge wreckage. At this point, getting them out would be impossible without cutting up the bridge putting the divers at unreasonable risk. I wonder why there are not underwater drones to do cutting/demolition, maybe there are.
  20. There are multiple Tamarac On The Gulf communities in Florida. Vary from middle class homes to ultra rich homes.
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