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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. Yes I read your post....mis-read it completely. I apologize Tell. And I HATE any "woke" agenda.
  2. If I had to guess, both of them are secretly breathing a sigh of relief that they don't have to return in the Boeing.
  3. Pretty neat. His name will always be in the record books for as long as there is MLB.
  4. I can't shake the feeling that something just isn't ringing true about this entire story.
  5. Did you look at the list of movies...or just throw the Woke card on the entire list? Most of the movies listed are Oldies and some of them damn good movies (imo). I appreciate a channel that will screen movies as they were originally run, without commercials, "creative editing", start to finish...including opening and closing credits Sorry to waste your time. "That's it, I'm taking my ball and going home". John Kruk 1994
  6. TCM will be screening many great classic movies over the next two months. They will start screening on Friday, 9/6 and continue to show them on every Friday until November. There is a large selection to choose from when setting your dvr. More info and schedule below in the link. https://news.yahoo.com/entertainment/tcm-screening-most-significant-political-150000811.html
  7. Einstein proved it...time really is money.
  8. Buy one 2 x 4, cut in three equal lengths the same as the depth of the shelf, nail (or screw) them together and you have a 4.5" shim. You can even paint it if you want to get fancy and all.
  9. I've shot 4 different G44's. It was impossible to get even a 6" group at 10 yds. Glad I never bought one. Oh, screw UPS to keep in line with the thread.
  10. Nice, great way to start! Just a heads up...'cause you're going to hear it, ad nauseam, over and over. The choke on the '97 is not legal. If it is easily removable, take it off before the match. If not, go to the match anyway. No one is gonna sweat the choke, you'll have fun, may even get some help removing the choke.
  11. That's exactly why there will never be a cure for cancer and many other serious aliments.
  12. I really don't see what's funny about this.
  13. Good idea for the cow bridge. Keeps traffic mooving along. Cows don't look like they're in a hurry though, guess they're milking it.
  14. That's why I highlighted smokeless. I have my own experiences with blackpowder.
  15. One of the worst things NASCAR ever did was move the Clash from Daytona to the Coliseum. It is, by far, the worst race of the year and they're going to do it again next year. I won't be watching a lap of it...it's that bad.
  16. We occasionally got them in our lunch box. By the time lunch rolled around, the chocolate was melted to the foil/plastic, the sandwich was warm and so was the drink which was usually milk. To this day, I detest warm sandwiches (that are supposed to be cool) and warm milk.
  17. All kinds of legal issues with the motor oil solution, more than I would want to deal with. That said, I can't blame you one bit.
  18. In residential construction, the pool shell is almost always poured long before the house is even drywalled. In Florida, and probably elsewhere, the GC's would put minnows in the pool to eat the mosquito larvae. The minnows lived were able to live so long as there was a minimal amount of water (green algae water) in the pool shell without any aeriation at all. The minnows in the swimming pool thing became a must during the real estate fiasco in the mid 2000's and all of the foreclosures, when a bunch of people were just walking away from their houses. The power to the houses got turned off and the swimming pools became a super breeding pool for mosquitos.
  19. Old, untrustworthy smokeless powder is best used on fire ant mounds. Stir the mound with a stick to get them real pissed off, sprinkle powder on top and toss a match. Repeat if necessary.
  20. Boy, all of those pic's bring back memories, oddly all good memories. I remember Ding Dongs in the foil but it really didn't matter if it was foil (or if it was the Swiss Rolls) or plastic, the chocolate icing was always stuck to the wrapper. Even the one shown...guarantee the chocolate is stuck to the foil. The candy cigarettes that I remember actually came in a "pack". Sugar with red, food coloring red flame at the end of cigarette. I used to get the Life Saver book at Christmas as a gift every year. I had forgotten about the Butter Rum Lifesavers, those things were gooooood. Thanks Pat Edit - If you don't have a favorite pan like that....You ain't a cook.
  21. A Gator related tail. Do you know why Steve Spurrier always wore a visor? It covered up the circumcision scars.
  22. Something about this picture sez (in my best British accent) "I say Blokes, Have a dally at this!" Differs a little from the Southeastern US version however.
  23. As others have stated, the custom molded ear plugs have worked the best for me. They do have to be replaced every couple of years due to various factors such as the plugs hardening and the fact that your ear canals change shape over the years. I always got mine from vendors at large state/regional type matches made by Tommy of Bullets by Scarlett. Ask around at your local matches to find a custom earplug vendor in your area.
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