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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. When you're loading .38 spl and get a piece of .357 mag in the mix. Ruins the brass but makes a helleva bell!
  2. Just another solicitation.
  3. Simple, yet effective enough. https://www.amazon.com/Edgemaker-Sharpener-Perfect-Sharpening-Honing/dp/B000HAXJAQ/ref=sr_1_12_sspa?crid=3IS22M7S7O18R&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.BddQaXst2eBUMioyQHcpJpfheAzHkIexxz0pTo-ZInpumBuZfj4yN3pJFv0C__j2KA1_OXBN7Nm5vZ04KsdvDlpdGCZ1d-IL0Fd-bH912KYOT2xCsU4fJYRUvNAsqpGFI4kauHhKcYMDyX6tucBalS6KtArYJRQBrZcKZSmN_XsBReHAU1WTwlwHRduQ2acRAaO7vPM2UTL_k28QOVm--cCuJzC8kukBeORDNdkO7b_EV5joBhMk1q4ToAGGMRDOATJQdvm_EHTAECnbO2dnFsby2OmzJmcUKOTAHbV8Aqc.y4kKTBtLzeKz4xQIp63aO_pm3htC4PtXqFbvfs2ZH9E&dib_tag=se&keywords=hand%2Bheld%2Bknife%2Bsharpeners%2Bamazon&qid=1735144635&sprefix=hand%2Bheld%2Bknife%2Bsharpeners%2Bamazon%2Caps%2C162&sr=8-12-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1
  4. Had one bounce off the ceiling in my garage, come down and hit the concrete floor. Heard it clear as a bell, both impacts. Start looking for it...for about 20 minutes until some bad words became audible. My gal comes out and asks what's going on, why are you cussing. Told her the story of the indent ball and the bing - bonk ceiling floor landing. She looked down, bends over to pick up something and says "You mean this?". Yep, the indent ball. I thanked her for finding it...but I was thinking some bad words again.
  5. I haven't seen one of those in many years!
  6. He became known as Sgt "Blue Balls" McLane after that letter.
  7. A Merry Christmas and a Happy (and safe) New Year to all of ya'll.
  8. Better than nudists with $3 bills!
  9. I'm reminded of wiring a store in a strip mall in north Tampa. It was located at the entrance to the nudist resort which had a Publix grocery store as the anchor of the plaza. I would go over to the Publix to get lunch from the deli. Sometimes it was the fried chicken, sometimes a hot meal in the deli case and sometimes a sub. I paid cash at the checkout and noticed that I was getting back $2.00 bills as change. Instead of giving you a five and three ones, they'd give you four $2 bills as change or whatever the change was, it had twos mixed in. After a few days of receiving $2 bills as change, I asked why the two dollar bills. Evidently, the residents of the nudist resort wanted the surrounding community to recognize the purchasing power of the resort so they were paying for things throughout the area with $2 bills. I still have some of the $2 bills somewhere.
  10. And back at ya...and all of ya'll folks.
  11. No fighting or arguing? In a Saloon? On Christmas Eve? You heard the man! We have to wait until Christmas Day to fight and argue!
  12. I'm still laughing at Drew Barrymore "playing" a dog.
  13. Glad it wasn't Paul Hogan and...it sure as hell wasn't me that pithed it with a Phillips Head screwdriver.
  14. For the payouts his opponents get, I'd do it. Oh, did I mention the Gwok 21 I'd have with me?
  15. That's a lot more than several! Officers were forced to kill; 6 - Black bears 2 - Grizzlies 3 - Mountain lions 1 - Baboon 18 - Bengal tigers 17 - Lions A damn shame that the idiot let the animals loose and forced the officers to kill most of them. The owner shot himself less than a month after being released from prison. He had been in prison for possession of "unregistered" guns. I wonder if the guns were Class III type guns? I thought Ohio was gun friendly, does Ohio require gun registration?
  16. Not if he's a slobbering idiot.
  17. I've actually seen that exact thing on more than one occasion. One at a residence and twice at a commercial location (same location, two different panels). The so-called maintenace man was very proud of his set ups to resolve the overloaded breaker.
  18. Lansky Inexpensive and easy to use. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Lansky-Deluxe-5-Stone-System/4242367
  19. If I had to attempt a screwdriver killing of a giant crocodile, I'd probably pith my pants if it twitched.
  20. The State of Florida, the Florida Wildlife Commision and some quasi-veterinary group. I will note that I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble for killing pythons in other manners, ie - blasting the s*** out of them with a shotgun. They tend to take killing gators seriously though https://myfwc.com/wildlifehabitats/nonnatives/python/humane-killing-methods/
  21. 12 gauge shotgun to the top of the cranium. Their brain is the size of a pea. Most gator are euthanized in this manner after capture. They capture them by "fishing" for them basically.
  22. Yeah, but it costs an arm and a leg.
  23. They used to be on the endangered species list. I think they revised it to threatened species now.
  24. No, you can't shoot alligators or snakes unless certain conditions are met. Alligators are a protected species that you must have a permit to hunt or harvest unless it's a nuisance gator and then a state licensed trapper must be used. That said, all bets are off if being attacked by a gator. I think there are protected species of snakes in Florida also, but I don't know which ones. For some reason, you're not allowed to start blasting away at the pythons. It would make it easier to rid the Glades of them if you could, but animal rights groups got involved somehow. Don't know if you're permitted to shoot monkeys or not. There was one in St. Pete for a while. Idiots were feeding the wild monkey. They finally darted it and relocated it to Silver Springs IIRC. There are some ridiculous rules for "humanely" killing most invasive species in Florida. There is also a saying concerning a shovel and shutting the hell up.
  25. PARTAAY with $20? Must be an gift from the '70's. When I was 21, $284.65 was well above a weeks pay back then. It would have been gone from the frame in no time. Would have kept the frame and poster though.
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