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Forty Rod SASS 3935

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Everything posted by Forty Rod SASS 3935

  1. O. J. walked away, too. What more can I say?
  2. Don't you own more than one pistol? Your comment isn't valid and is poorly thought out. The one who lives, wins...and can argue the legality or any other concern later.
  3. I don't want any more strangers getting their diddly-snot fingers into my computer. A cashier's check is cash almost anywhere and if someone refuses to honor one I simple drop them from places to spend my money.....after I express my reasons so EVERYONE UNDERSTANDS WHAT I THINK!
  4. Bwaaaahahahaaaaaaa! Waaha! Hahaha! Snort, snicker. Sigh. Thanks for the best laugh I've had since Hector was a pup.
  5. My daughter and her husband, bought land and build a house in Flat Rock, NC.......just down the road a ways from Dogpatch.
  6. I always have a gun at hand and a full reload just in case.
  7. #11 isn't an issue. I dress the way that suits mt. Always clean and well kept but seldom polished and pressed. #14! Well now, there's an issue. I'm trying to drop profanity from my "quiver" of language but there are so many instances in a normal day that just derail my intentions and I unload in my Gunny voice using Gunny language. I usually catch myself after the fact and ask God to help me. It's a long process.
  8. Why would I bother to advertise the obvious? WELL? Blackwater knows!
  9. About that time of year again. Had an hour or two of a bit of very welcome rain and some winds with gusts up around sixty mph. Drove my little dog nuts for awhile, but not much else to set it aside..... UNTIL..... I just went over to the the library and saw people in every vacant lot for two miles picking up hundreds of campaign signs. Some laying in the dirt or brush, some wound all up on fences, some in ditches, some piled up against buildings, some just in sign piles, and some in the roads. Something punched my funny bone and I had to pull over and laugh until my sides hurt. I know a lot of those candidates personally and I just struck me as hilarious. One of my favorites had set his signs up on sturdy angle iron frames all bolted together and driven into the ground. I like the guy and voted for him, but he was out there picking up his own signs (and a few others) up to his knees in mud and debris. He proved that he isn't afraid to get to work and to get dirty. I hope he wins.
  10. I love belugas, especially one named Dolly who was at the big aquarium in San Diego. They had a huge multi-story tank and I spent a lot of time going up and down those levels playing hide and seek with Dolly. I didn't have a lot of money and Active Duty military got in for free. It was about an hour walk from MCRD San Diego so several guys would get together and walk up. Some would watch the dolphins, some the rays, some other things, but I was always where the belugas were. I still like the "smile" on a beluga's face......can't help but smile back.
  11. It should be a capital offense! These useless AHs are destroying peoples' lives and are not even being sought out, much less called to task over their offenses.
  12. Does your parole officer know where you are? Where you been, pard? We missed you.
  13. I started off with a couple of ounces of Boar's Head sweet slice ham, chopped up into quarter inch bits. Three large eggs scrambled or whole, your choice. They'll get mixed along the way. Add Half tablespoon in minced white or Burma onion and the same amount of green bell pepper. A couple of tablespoons of Kerry Gold salted butter. A small spoonful of left over hash browns, one slice of left over bacon, a half link of Jimmy Dean sausage, some minced garlic, one slice of Sargento Baby Swiss cheese, an itty-bitty dab of prepared horse radish, a dash or two of Tabasco sauce, salt and pepper to taste, mushroom slices or bits and stems...if you want them All this is in a large skillet on medium low heat. Stir the bejabbers out of it until everything is well mixed, then add "The Secret Ingredient". Increase the heat to medium or a bit above and pour in a tablespoon and a half of clover honey and stir until it's all ready to eat. You'll be surprised at how the honey adds some "pop" to the flavor of everything else. I put a half dozen black olive slices on top because I had them left over and they looked neato-keen. You can add toast (I had white and some jalapeno jelly at hand) and it turned out very well.
  14. Check the web. You can probably find a kit to make wheels for it. The next bigger size comes with wheels and the one after that has a limber or caisson. BTW, this is not an original idea. When I worked at a gun store in Anaheim a customer found a repro with a 16" barrel and a detachable wooden stock. Being a tinker and gadgeteer, he built a set of wheels and a caisson for it. He even rigged it to fire with a lanyard. He designed the caisson to be a gun cart for SASS.
  15. That's why I always take a tree with me.
  16. My dad told us the night I brought home my new bride (we eloped) that my wife could come there any time she wanted and stay as long as she wanted. He told me the same thing but added " but you don't want to come more than twice a year and you don't want to stay more than three nights". I told my son the same thing.
  17. And everywhere else, too. I had a run in with them about a year and was charged a ridiculous amount for a total lack of service for less than a week before I cancelled it. I finally got an attorney and paid him about three times what Verizon was trying to collect (actually they "sold" it a collection agency). This attorney is a shooting acquaintance and he billed the collection company. When they paid him he gave my money back and charged me a breakfast a Gen's Cafe.
  18. and governmental control by tiny minds and huge egos.
  19. I don't have a Work Mate but I was taught that by my dad when I was just getting stared with guns...maybe six or seven years old. He used to lash the rifle to a spare tire on the trunk of his old car. It works with iron sights, too, but it's harder. I learned to do that every year before hunting season and have used in the field if I bump a sight or find it off. Four to six feet of para-cord is always with me out in the boonies and trees are always near.
  20. I was writing one of my stories and was on a roll when I suddenly couldn't remember how to spell "of". Simple, everyday word but I tried every variation I could think of (?) with a "v"sound. "To hell with it!" say I, and I went to get a bowl of ice cream. I finished it and as I put the bowl in the sink a light came on in my head: "DUMB ASS!" it flashed at me. That was back in about 2008, but it's still in there, blinking on every now and again.
  21. I have a GE fridge in my garage. Bought it about the same time I got the hair brush. We brought it when we moved to Arizona....and it wouldn't fit the space in the kitchen. We put it in the garage where it still serves nobley, but it looks like hell these days. Never did hook up the ice maker. Bought another GE that fit the space. It went over the hill a year ago, so I bought another GE simply because it was on sale and cost about half of the others.....but nearly three times the one it replaced nine years before.
  22. Stupifyin' Jones, Lonesome Polecat, Hairless Joe, Kickapoo Joy Juice, and the parade goes on.
  23. Today I replaced a nylon hair brush that bought when we moved to Ontario, CA in 1977. I bought it from my new barber who almost instantly became a great friend.....died about 15 years ago. I seem to remember paying about a dollar for it. I retired it, not because it wasn't useable anymore, but because it had lost about half the bristles and because it was badly stained and unsightly. I'll keep it for awhile in case I need back up. The new one is a bit "light weight". It cost $11.00. We'll see how long it holds up.
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