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Forty Rod SASS 3935

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Everything posted by Forty Rod SASS 3935

  1. We had a civilian chef in the Marine Barracks at Seal Beach. Some of the Marines got to riding him when it was discovered that had been in the Navy. "Hey, Bill, when you were in the ships were made of wood and the sailors were made of iron." He told them that he was a chef on Old Ironsides. Yeah. Right! Then he brought in pictures of him and a bunch of crew men who had been picked to go on a cruise on U. S. S. Constitution back in the 1950's era. I don't recall his last name but his first two were William Tell.
  2. Don't have to bash that ugly POS. Someone saved a ton of money on sheet metal (or what ever ) designers. That thing makes Legos look good.
  3. Well, you beat me to it with that question. Inquiring minds want to know...and so do I.
  4. When I joined the Ground Observer Corps (Call sign Juliet Mike One Four Black on a dedicated land line) in 1858-1958 we were given book of silhouettes with the description of each plane on a the back of each plane, one plane to a page. Fifty planes to a book, three books. When I left they took the books back. We were volunteers looking for planes from every country you could imagine. Going to save our country from Godless Communism. I'm beginning to think we failed.
  5. OH, crap. Now I'll have to live with that image running amok in the cobwebs of my mind.
  6. No.............I couldn't. I'd kill someone in the first week.
  7. Where did you get prickly pear jelly in your neck of the woods?
  8. Now I can see how that might just answer a question or two.
  9. One more example of some useless stack of flesh making rules for everyone to follow so he (or she, or it) can feel important and get paid way to hell and gone too much of our money.
  10. That may be the answer about the same question concerning Aussies.
  11. The most important adult day in some of these graduate's lives and some totally inept group of so-called "educators" screwed it up for them. Shameful.
  12. Have you really looked at the crowd at Zeke's? Most are crusty old guys and the women worth any attention are almost always hanging out with one of them. Besides, I have a little girlfriend about the size of the one you sent along the picture of.
  13. Son, I just lost a lot of respect for you. Quibbling over a simple word, almost universally misused, to claim something is bogus is just simply wrong.
  14. Almost exactly. The panel between the upper and lower horizontal beams and between the legs needs to be square. I'll have to mix the paint myself to match the rest of the project. Name your price and I'll have a check in the mail ASAP! Thank you very much.
  15. BTW, I had a bunk mate in 'Nam who was from backwoods Arkansas. We had 6, 8, 10 and 12 hole lean-to latrines ("Heads" for the Navy and Marines among you. Powder Rooms for the Air Force pogues amongst you). He'd been in country about a week when I found him leaning on the rail around the second deck of the barracks just staring at our 10 holer. I asked what was going on. He said "back home an outhouse that big was owned by rich folks, Catholics, or Mormons."
  16. Stopped that in 1896 to be able to gain statehood from a government that didn't understand that the Bill of Rights prohibited government interfering with religious practice. There are some fake "Mormons" who are not, and never have been recognized by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and never will be. They are mostly up in northern Arizona on the Utah border. I doubt that are more than a few thousand of them at most, and they are in trouble with the law over many things. Polygamy, child marriages, taxes, forcing people who want to leave their "church" to stay by using force and threats, etc. They do have some of the best baked goods on the planet and I'm told their common produce is unbeatable. A lot of uneducated and / or anti-Mormon people try to use that against the real LDS church. There is your history lesson. There will be a test on Friday.
  17. I want to find a torii gate like the ones in front of almost Marine Corps barracks in the world. I need one 4 1/2 inches high and am amazed by all the gates offered and almost NONE have any dimensions in their ads, be it on Amazon, Etsy, or what ever. I want one with close detail representing a wooden original, not stone. Anyone have any suggestions?
  18. I ate breakfast at one of my favorite spots this morning. A few minutes after I got served a young Oriental man and two really lovely ladies sat down across from me, one next to him the other across the table. They were having fun and being friendly with every one who passed by. I finished my meal and as I got up I commented that "you know, life is unfair". I told the young man "It doesn't seem right that you have two and I don't have any." He grinned and put his arm around the girl beside him and told me "Well this one is mine but you can have the other one. She's my sister." "His" elbowed him in the ribs but the "sister" stood up beside me and said "I'll go with you sir, if you promise to make an honest woman (antique phrase) of me and don't ever have to admit that he is my brother." "His pushed him out of the way and stood on my other side. "I don't like the way he claimed me as 'mine' so I'll go with you, too." The people in the cafe were getting in on it by now, laughing and having a good time making suggestions and cheering me on. This dude looked like he'd peed on an electric fence and started apologizing, but the crowd wouldn't let it go. They were all over him. Finally "His" said that she had a lot invested in him because they were married and the kids would need a daddy, so she'd back out of the mix. "Sister" was known by a lady in the crowd who suggested that she had better check with her mother because this boy needed looking after and Mom couldn't spare any more time, what with grandkids coming. I stepped back and thanked the ladies for accepting my offer (I didn't remind them that I hadn't made any offer) and that at my age it was the best acceptance of any offer I'd had in years. We were all cheered and as I left I paid for their breakfasts. If I were sixty years younger and single......... HUH, my soon to be wife would have killed me in front of all those witnesses!!! Life isn't perfect, but Mother Nature showed us that she has a sense of humor and it made my day. Sometimes life is just plain fun!
  19. Do birds have balls? If they do this dude got more than his fair share.
  20. op left dod: something unique to Autralia....two rows of teeth on the top?
  21. I would fire the presenter and everyone involved in this fiasco. They wouldn't get paid and they would get the worst possible and insulting recommendation I could devise. I'd even ban them from the campus and any school-owned property. I even go so far as to identify every one, including pictures of them, on public TV and any other media I could think of and, if they were a graduate of the school I'd revoke their diplomas and other credentials. This is totally unacceptable.
  22. Shoot a few hundred rounds through it and then decide what YOU want and need. Good luck and great shooting.
  23. You gotta be more specific than that.............and good luck with that. It's been tried a whole bunch of times and I'm still here. Some of those guys that tried ain't.
  24. I have two books for you, but need an address to send them to. No charges d you can have them sent to anyone you want. I just think you'd like them. Tom "Forty Rod" Taylor Thanks.
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