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Forty Rod SASS 3935

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Everything posted by Forty Rod SASS 3935

  1. Sometimes that is REALLY tempting, though.
  2. Lance Aboyle Landis Overdare Stubby Natoe Curly Nupp
  3. What are you trying to do? Scare him off?
  4. Don't listen to Imis. Your hat is just fine...almost like mine only a lot cleaner.
  5. I've never seen a cow in a roost.
  6. I was loaned a book about gunslingers and it had both pictures. I don't care. No one is going to ask me to identify the body and he isn't likely to show up in person.
  7. Eating at a good friend's home. No turkey, no pumpkin anydangthing (I'm not very fond of turkey and detest pumpkins). Steak, smashed spuds, probably corn...whatever. Have a great day. Slight modification: about once a year I get a craving for a hot open faced turkey sandwich on home style white bread with peppered gravy and a side of sweet corn smothered in butter and slightly over-cooked.
  8. You wish! Hell I WISH! She is a really attractive cop. (I never imagined ever saying that!)
  9. actually exists. At least I think it must...and civilian groups have one of their own for businesses, product lines, systems, etc.
  10. I took her back today. She was having some difficulties. On the way to the doctor's I got stopped by a lady cop for 45 in a 30 zone. She asked if I had some sort od emegency and I told her where I was going and why. She went back to her car and came back with a warning ticket. Six hours later she called to see how Trinket was doing. I really like Arizona LEOs. Not at all like we ran into in that unnamed state west of here where I lived for 37 years.
  11. And why is this a bad thing?
  12. That is so true. You'll also find the best senses of humor anywhere here, and some world class BS artists, too. Welcome to the real world's answer to Alice's Looking Glass territory.
  13. "We won, we won, we won!" You weren't even in the game, maybe not even in the state. You watched! And your opinions don't matter to me any more than mine matter to you, so I don't want to hear all your phony crowing about it. Just shut up when you're around me. NOTICE: If I offended anyone, I didn't do it on purpose but you take it any way you want to. And I won't be offended even a little bit at your reactions to it as long as you don't attack my country, our military, my religion, or my family and friends.
  14. I have walked away from many fiends and a lot of relatives.....sometimes in the middle of some event, even a friend's funeral.....because I don't want to listen to this crap. My sister didn't talk to me much...until she and her husband went to Vietnam for "a holiday". They came back and asked why I hadn't told them how awful it was. I had tried, but they didn't want to listen. A few came around, but a lot didn't. I don't miss them much.
  15. January 1972, A Japanese soldier named Soichi Okoi finally surrendered in The Phillipines. Officially he was the last to surrender. Yeah, I just looked it up.
  16. My wife was only seventeen when we eloped. I was 23. She turned 18 about 48 days later. I don't recall anyone asking how old she was. Pat, I am at that point myself, but my wife was a very mature, in every way, woman. She turned 20 a month before I became a Company Commander and became "The Commander's Lady", and a surrogate mother to some of the younger soldiers. Together we faced a lot of demons in our life, but stood shoulder to shoulder and beat them down. We were married 51 years before she passed. I guess I still am married.
  17. The last time Ispent any time at all (9 days) in the hospital I griped about the food and a bed that kept moving around. One of the nurses told me that "This a hospital, not a hotel". She's the same one tho told me I couldn't have a real candle on my birthday plate because of all the oxygen in the room, and had been an Apache pilot before becoming an RN. I love my nurses and techs at the VA. I seldom see a real doctor but all that I have seen (Save one six years ago that did my damndest to get fired.) are great, too. The VA in Phoenix is another story altogether.
  18. Brother, I have a whole life time of wonderful things that I didn't deserve, God's been mighty good to me. She just walked in and wants to go outside. Later. Thanks.
  19. He's taken better care of me than I deserve and I thank him every day, sometimes more than once a day.
  20. Dad used it a lot but I never understood what it meant. I think it's gambling term.
  21. Recuperating. She had two teeth pulled, one was abscessed and infected and took some surgery to clean it out and patch it up. She is one a special diet now and not at all happy about Daddy forcing two pills down her throat twice a day. She's sleeping a lot...which I'm told is expected... and can't go outside alone because she can't eat anything in the yard. And I've bought a number of cars for what this whole thing cost me. On the other hand, she's worth it and more. Thanks for asking. I'll tell her you asked when she wakes up.
  22. And opinions are like asses: everybody has one. Some people are one, and some don't know their's from a hole in the ground. A lot of people have their head up theirs, and way too many spend a lot of time kissing someone else's. Mine's been handy a number of times when I have fallen on it (or been knocked on it). I have also kicked a few in theirs. Not so handy any more because mine is no longer very well padded and it hurts more. I also try to find something once a day to cause me to laugh mine off. And I am proud to say I have black belt in being a horse's one. Lord, I've got to go get some coffee.
  23. Unfortunately that's true. I used to write about four letters a day to politicians, sponsors, team officials. newscasters, left wing actors and other artificial people. I only got a handful responses. Two stand out, both California Senators: Barbara Boxer, who always sent the same auto letter thanking me for my support. I NEVER supported her on ANYTHING. Dianne Feinstein, who always send a personal letter (From her or a staff lacky, but always over her signature) addressing my letter in such a way it that convinced me that someone had actually read it. I never got the answer I wanted, but at least I got a decent and almost friendly response. While I have no respect whatsoever for Boxer, I have to admit that I believe Feinstein would have been someone I could talk to...and I do respect her for that. She was a person like Tip O'Neil who got along with "the other side" without being a horses as patoot.
  24. I never even thought to take any. Sorry. Maybe today they'll be back. The skies were almost clear by 4:00 pm and I noticed there were still planes in the sky, but only one con trail. Makes me think the atmospheric temperatures were involved in the whole show. I'll be going out later this morning, but right now it's still as dark as the inside of goat out there.
  25. I'll let you know in a few more years. Stand by! Why?
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