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Forty Rod SASS 3935

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Everything posted by Forty Rod SASS 3935

  1. Sorry, but is NOT the "Congressional" medal of honor. Just the Medal of Honor. Check it out, but you are right: no one wins it.
  2. Make sure the scale is right ( 1/48) and sell them to model railroaders
  3. Doesn't matter how you phrase it as long coffee and hash browns and Tabasco sauce are alongside, and salt and pepper are available. I prefer my eggs scrambled, but I'm not all that concerned and as long as the bacon is firm but not crunchy.
  4. Look to Arizona, preferably in the center of the state...around Prescott or Prescott Valley. Had a couple of new guns shops open up here recently.
  5. I'm rereading this and it comes to mind that if the maximum of 13 BMG.50 are all firing at once, all four engines are running at capacity, explosions (even if the plane isn't hit directly), God's own air turbulence, rapid changes in weight when the bombs are dropped, and a number of other common occurances going on all at the same time, and the materials used..........well, this thing shouldn't have survived any mission whatsoever to fly a second time, even if made it back home. And that doesn't take any combat damage into consideration.
  6. Hey, you know that Father's Day is coming. If you're looking for a present for me you could get me one of these. Pleeeeeese!
  7. I never stated a religion and almost always got Presby (Presbyterian) on my dog tags by default. It never bothered me but drove my sister nuts....being the good Mormon that she is.
  8. How long until this becomes an Olympic event? Seems like almost anything else has qualified....for some idiotic reason.
  9. Well....there goes my lunch!
  10. And I still thank God for them and for the Christian Ladies' Reading Society who brought books of all kinds to us.... by the big box full once every other week. Take one leave one
  11. Uh, Tommy guns and grease gun are funner.
  12. I had an old spinster English teacher in high school who only accepted one contraction: "ain't", but only it was used properly as a contraction of "am I not". As in "I'm going also, ain't? Clumsy sounding but proper usage. I miss that old woman. Most of her students hated her (my sister for one). She challenged me every day I was in her classes. So there. I'm finished, ain't?
  13. It doesn't matter what position you're in, you're still gonna be sick. Gladly I don't suffer from that problem. Closest I ever came was on military flight back in 1964 in a old Convair prop plane (Model 740?) over Nebraska. There was storm below us and the plane was all over the sky. I was doing fine until a Colonel in the front seat lit up a cigar. The guy next to him puked, and in seconds almost everyone on that old airplane was barfing his guts out. About three of us didn't, but it was mighty close. We set down at Offitt AFB and got off........just in the nick of time.
  14. Don't get me started. I've been working with computers since 1966 and I still don't understand them, don't like them, and don't trust them. Trying to reach my cardiologist for an appointment this morning. I couldn't reach him or his office by phone so drove nineteen miles to his office. Three hours later I finally got an appointment (because of a cancellation) three weeks down the line instead of in late August for a fifteen minute device check of my implanted pacemaker. If a real person had answered the phone and looked a computer in front of her it would have taken maybe fifteen minutes max. Still the computer geeks still claim it's "progress". BS!
  15. My wife was the Spamoholic in our family. I can't stand the stuff.
  16. But...but..but...but those aren't the answers to the questions I asked.
  17. I blocked this number and find he has tried to call me 19 more times. TS. I hope he dies surrounded by useless stuff like he was trying to foist off on me.
  18. Now you know one the reasons sailors were referred to as "tars" even up my younger days. My dad and others called them "tars" or "gobs".
  19. Hope out the idiotic pukes in the government don't get wind of this or we'll probably have to register rocks, too.
  20. I agree and am saying a word to the BOSS to look out for Mike and his family
  21. Nice of them. I went to breakfast and found that a local church had paid for my meal. I explained that the day wasn't for survivors (we have veterans' day) and that it was for those who didn't come back. A man at a nearby table told me that this was his church and they agreed almost 100% to pay for any vet that came in and to explain it was in the names of the fallen who couldn't claim it on their own. I stood up and toasted the fallen, left the waitress a large tip and gave the church man $20.00 to support their cause. When I called for the toast I was surprised how many stood up including one old man who asked one of the waiters to help him get to his feet. Even some very young kids stood....not something I would have expected to see in my most recent former dwelling place.
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