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Comparing a Pre-Safety Rossi to a Pre-83 Winchester 94, .44 Magnum

H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619

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Be the Good Lord willing, and if the creek don't rise, I plan to attend a shoot this Saturday.  It is my intention to shoot half the match with a pre-safety Rossi 92, and the other half with a pre-83 Winchester 94.   Both rifles will be in .44 Magnum.  I figure this will be a good "apples to apples" comparison to see which gun is "better."   The Winchester is out of the box stock and seems to have a nice, smooth action.  The Rossi has had an action job by Happy Trails, but I specifically said I just wanted it smooth like real Winchester and not turned into a race gun.   So, I figure these two rifles are of "comparable quality."  Of course, they are very different, and it has been stated here on the Wire ad infinitum about how the M94 is not really suited to our game.  Since this will be the first time I've ever tried to shoot a match with a 94, I will soon know how true that is.  Now, I am a bottom 3rd shooter.  (Maybe even lower, but I'm trying to be charitable.)  But, I think it will be interesting to see how these guns compare.  It is my hope to get someone to record me shooting, and I'll post the videos here if I do.   


Hopefully, it'll be an intriguing experiment and the results will be fun to watch.



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Howdy H.K.


it's very generous of you to risk a middle third result for this worthwhile experiment. Based on posts here over time, I'm pretty sure we know what the betting is. This is you chance to add to the SASS knowledge base. We await your results and now and forever must consider you a scientist.


Rev. Chase

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Good luck! I started in'99 with a '94 in 44 mag. It was awful, a disaster and a mistake for cowboy shooting for me. Gone after 6 months. A common mistake for a cowboy newbie. Although for hunting, I bought a 16" 44 trapper and got the nicest 10 point of my hunting endeavors. 

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1 hour ago, Preacherman said:

Good luck! I started in'99 with a '94 in 44 mag. It was awful, a disaster and a mistake for cowboy shooting for me. Gone after 6 months. A common mistake for a cowboy newbie. Although for hunting, I bought a 16" 44 trapper and got the nicest 10 point of my hunting endeavors. 


I always wanted to have one of these Pre-83 94's, just to have one in the collection.  I very much doubt that unlike some other things I got for that reason that it will become a favorite go to main match gun.

I'd *almost* like to compare mine to a post-83 angle eject, safetied, rebounding hammer messed up one, but not really...  

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I own both guns myself. 

I have used just about every rifle you can buy at one point or another. 

You can make anything work with modest speed and deliberate movements. 

I will tell you forsure the 92 will work much better and with less frustration !

So Saith The Rooster 

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I still have a pre '83 Winchester in45 Colt.  The action was designed for rifle cartridges, so it isn't really suited for rapid fire pistol cartridges.   I used it for one season, but went to the Uberti models after that.  The '92, which I owned for a bit had  smoother action, but it would have been better if it had been worked over.

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46 minutes ago, Tex Jones, SASS 2263 said:

I still have a pre '83 Winchester in45 Colt.  The action was designed for rifle cartridges, so it isn't really suited for rapid fire pistol cartridges.   I used it for one season, but went to the Uberti models after that.  The '92, which I owned for a bit had  smoother action, but it would have been better if it had been worked over.

I did not know Winchester made any in .45 Colt that early.  The only pistol caliber m-94's I knew of prior to 83 were the .44 Magnums, and the .44-40 in the Winchester/Colt Commemorative set.  When/where did you get yours?  It might be a real rarity.  Got pics?

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2 hours ago, H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619 said:

I did not know Winchester made any in .45 Colt that early.  The only pistol caliber m-94's I knew of prior to 83 were the .44 Magnums, and the .44-40 in the Winchester/Colt Commemorative set.  When/where did you get yours?  It might be a real rarity.  Got pics?

Sorry, nope, incorrect info.  Mine was made in 1990, before the cross bolt safety was introduced.

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