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T.J. Bones SASS# 75616

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Can you live in New York City and compete in SASS with your own Handguns? I don't think so after reading the permit requirements for handguns. Basically if you live in NYC you can only have your handgun in your house or take it to a range in NYC. You can hunt with it in NY State with a permit from the Wildlife Dept. You can not take your handgun out of state for any reason. Can anyone from NY let me know where I am wrong?

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49 minutes ago, T.J. Bones SASS# 75616 said:

Can you live in New York City and compete in SASS with your own Handguns? I don't think so after reading the permit requirements for handguns. Basically if you live in NYC you can only have your handgun in your house or take it to a range in NYC. You can hunt with it in NY State with a permit from the Wildlife Dept. You can not take your handgun out of state for any reason. Can anyone from NY let me know where I am wrong?


Having lived there years ago, all I can say is "fuhgediboudit". At the time, if you already possessed any firearms before becoming a resident of NYC, you were required to deposit your guns with the local police until your permit was approved. No mention of what would become of them if not approved. Needless to say, I never applied for a permit.....


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John Stossel on Fox had a segment on his show a few years ago showing how difficult, if not impossible, it was to get a legal handgun in NYC.  He was told that if he could evidence that his life was in danger from threats that he may get a permit after municipal review.  He did, being the target of a lot of hate mail, but he was denied.

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New York and Kalifornia  residents are stuck behind enemy lines .

You would think Vote after vote after vote things would change .

But they just get worse .


My Only advice is DONT move behind enemy lines !

You might find yourself Imprisoned with out trying .

The Gun rights that are  OK in The Free Americas,

Is  Not behind enemy lines .


It would be nice if the Current Administration would step in and  make Gun rights  better for them .

Unless that happens STAY AWAY ! 

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I've been to NYC just once, and it was to change planes at JFK after traveling to Europe. In just those 2-3 hours I encountered more rude and inconsiderate people than I thought existed in the entire state. I couldn't wait to get the Hell out of there. I honestly can't understand what people like about NYC and what compels them to go there on vacation. To me it would be considered punishment.

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1 hour ago, Sixgun Sheridan said:

I've been to NYC just once, and it was to change planes at JFK after traveling to Europe. In just those 2-3 hours I encountered more rude and inconsiderate people than I thought existed in the entire state. I couldn't wait to get the Hell out of there. I honestly can't understand what people like about NYC and what compels them to go there on vacation. To me it would be considered punishment.


I used to think the same thing before living there. You need to spend more than a couple of hours at an airport on the outskirts of town to gain some perspective and insight into the culture. Given what I have now, I wouldn't live there again. But I don't regret the experience for a minute. 

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