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Is this option of grounding a malfunctioning pistol and then reloading the good one available if you're shooting Gunfighter? I would guess not but would be good to know for sure before even bothering to see if I could unload and reload in under 25sec.

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Is this option of grounding a malfunctioning pistol and then reloading the good one available if you're shooting Gunfighter? I would guess not but would be good to know for sure before even bothering to see if I could unload and reload in under 25sec.

Given you can shoot double dualist, I would think so. Time wise, it's probably a wash at best. But it might save a clean match.

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Is this option of grounding a malfunctioning pistol and then reloading the good one available if you're shooting Gunfighter? I would guess not but would be good to know for sure before even bothering to see if I could unload and reload in under 25sec.

Why would it not?

Five shots with each HAND...not with each individual revolver.

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Why would it not?

Five shots with each HAND...not with each individual revolver.

From SHB pg 14


“Double Duelist Style” is defined as shooting a revolver cocked and fired one handed and unsupported, with each hand, that is, one revolver with the left hand and the other revolver with the right hand.

In the pdf file the words "one revolver" and "the other revolver" are highlighted but the highlighting didn't copy and paste with the text. I included this because in this scenario, I believe the gunfighter would now be shooting in a double duelist style.


And below that, there is a whole highlighted paragraph under Gunfighter that contains this:

the shooter MUST shoot the left-side revolver with the left hand and the right-side revolver with the right hand,



These statements seem to imply that I cannot shoot the same revolver for all ten shots. Perhaps I am misinterpreting, it wouldn't be the first time.

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From SHB pg 14


“Double Duelist Style” is defined as shooting a revolver cocked and fired one handed and unsupported, with each hand, that is, one revolver with the left hand and the other revolver with the right hand.

In the pdf file the words "one revolver" and "the other revolver" are highlighted but the highlighting didn't copy and paste with the text. I included this because in this scenario, I believe the gunfighter would now be shooting in a double duelist style.


And below that, there is a whole highlighted paragraph under Gunfighter that contains this:

the shooter MUST shoot the left-side revolver with the left hand and the right-side revolver with the right hand,



These statements seem to imply that I cannot shoot the same revolver for all ten shots. Perhaps I am misinterpreting, it wouldn't be the first time.

Howdy Cody, the revolver sequence is a (usually) 10 round shooting string. The GF can shoot Double Duelist style with one revolver if needed. 1st 5 rounds with one hand and next 5 rounds with the other. Good Luck :)


Shooting string – shots from one type of firearm prior to use of the next type of firearm


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From SHB pg 14




And below that, there is a whole highlighted paragraph under Gunfighter that contains this:

the shooter MUST shoot the left-side revolver with the left hand and the right-side revolver with the right hand,


That is to clarify the prohibition against simultaneous double X-draw for GF category.


These statements seem to imply that I cannot shoot the same revolver for all ten shots. Perhaps I am misinterpreting, it wouldn't be the first time.

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This rule makes no sense. Why can't a shooter just ground that gun and pull the other and load it with one in empty hole assuming it was a pistol misfire. Even the example makes no sense. If there was a bullet keeping the cylinder from turning, how could shooter reload another and keep shooting?

Please read the example and the rational again. Especially the "If" part.

It's a safety issue with us. We are in Canada and have an unfriendly bureaucracy looking for any excuse to shut down a range.

It has happened.

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