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Non Sass but still some Cowboy

Marlin Buckhorn,SASS 51727

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I got one in September, before Maryland laws went even further downhill. It's the best shooting pistol I own, SAA's excepted, of course.


It's a basic, well made 1911. I now understand why the design has been around for 100 years.


How much more user friendly could it be?


I am looking at new grips, not because I don't like the stock omes; just want a little customization.

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i like mine right out of the box.

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I shot the demo gun at EOT a couple years back. Liked it. Knew if I ever needed to buy another 1911 I'd be looking at the Ruger. (I currently carry a Kimber on duty with a couple of Colts for Wild Bunch)


As a carry gun I would put night sights on it (if it didn't have them) and shoot it.


Just an opinion, but it's mine.


Badge Pusher

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Adjust trigger pull to 3.5 to 4 pounds and crisp as a cold head of lettuce, and shoot it.


Good luck, GJ

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