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Feb. Ghronicle is HERE!

Flashpowder Hal

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Could hardly believe it upon lookin' thru today's new CC,


Got ta' page 21 and see Flint McCloud, Antety and Miss Maggie smilin' at me :wub:


There wuz Long Jim an Miss Maggie on page 20 too :o


Will wonders niver cease?


Way to go fer sellin' dem Raffle Tckets gang :FlagAm:


That Ms. Maggie is just plain cute... I don't care who you are... :wub::wub::wub:


And that picture of me just goes to show that lens technology has come a long way... I'm told he was able to get at least 4 more pictures before the lens fell apart... :blink:



Vaya con Dios


I understand those W I D E angle lenses is mighty fragile.


I'm glad pete cropped it where he did...I wasn't wearing pants.... :ph34r:


Nice that you got the Febuary Chronicle. I ain't seen January's yit :angry:


I just had a look at the "on line" eddition. . . .it's there . . but when enlarged is too fuzzy read. On the old wire it was readable. . . :blink:


Just where do you live and who do you bribe at the office. I received my JANUARY chronicle today. That's right!!! My January chronicle arrived on January 31st. But I'm not upset, at leaast I wasn't until you said you got your February copy today.


I is just patient. Badger Mountain Charlie reads his and then sends them to me.


I'm guessing our Feb Chronicle is somewhere caught up in our little snow blizzard.....


I read mine in the outhouse, don't think anyone would want them when I get done with them.


Keep readin it, I should have another article coming up sometime or another. Submitted it back late Nov I think, but the lead time before publication is pretty long. Last one I did I'd forgotten most of what I wrote by the time it got printed.


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