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True Grit trailer

Buffalo Rick

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A large percentage of the movie going public does not remember the original with JW and couldn't care less if this is a re-make.

Sacrilege? Hardly. It's just Hollywood and it's about money.

The Coen Brothers have a big following and their movies MAKE MONEY!


J-Bar has it right. If you want more westerns to be made, put yore money down.

If they film it, I will come, sez I. :blink:


I for one will not complain about a film with no gang bangers, drug addicts, corrupt government conspiracies, graphic torture and dismemberment, ghosts, anti-Christs, sensitive GQ magazine looking Vampires or adolescents riding brooms!


Guess how many Zorro movies have been made over the years? ^_^


Yeeehaaw........a new western, I can hardly wait, opens Christmas :blink: thanks Santa. It looks good to me. ^_^


My kids have always hated the fact I won't take them to the remake of ANY movie till they sit through the Original.

I even find them songs done by todays artists that are really Re-Do's.


Movie night will be on! Once we find a great theatre were TG will be playing LET"S GO!


Nope, it ain't the Duke, but it looks good and I'm all for giving it a chance. Can't complain and critique something I have not seen! And I think Jeff Bridges will be great!

A remake it is so I'll give it a chance! I also liked Bridges as Wild Bill and from the trailer he seems to hold his own for those few short scenes. I didn't much care for Glenn or that girl in the original either. The Duke made the movie that's for sure and fer certain. Now I never could figure out the purpose of "No Country for old Men" and think the Coen brothers are products of Hollyweird. Having said that the Cinematography in the trailer looks great and that's a good thing. I'll go see it on cheap Tuesdays!!




The movie adaption of No Country for Old Men was pretty faithful to the book, but they had to cut some out to shorten it. To understand the purpose, you would really have to read the book. In short, it is Sheriff Bell's realization of just how dark some parts of the human psyche can be, and his inability to combat it. In the book, each chapter opens with a narration from Sheriff Bell. These narrations allow us a view into his thoughts and fears. In my opinion, they are the true essence of the story.


As to the "new" True Grit movie, I will most likely see it. What I hate most about it are the inevitable hollyweird comparisons of Bridges and The Duke.


I don't miss westerns. They don't make enough of them. Lately some really fine artists are taking it to new levels: Ed Harris, Coens, Bridges, Brolin, Mortenson, Eastwood, Crowe, Niesen etc. etc.


To me movies like No Country for Old Men, Appaloosa, The Unforgiven, 3:10 to Yuma;Seraphim Falls represent the best of the genre to date. That includes the John Ford movies with John Wayne.


I'm sure that I'll see it and add it to the collection.

Guest Cinch, SASS#29433

It is really impressive at where at about the 46 second mark the Iron Man guy fires a couple of 50 BMG rounds from his pistols and his arms fly in the air like a rag doll. I liked him better in Men Who Stare at Goats or Lebowski or King Kong!! Brolin can't carry Duval's water bottle!! We will probably see it but I wish there was a way to let the film makers know that...There are other movies to make!! Or maybe not maybe they are plumb out of creativity :blink:


Can't wait til they get Tom Cruise to be Rick in Casablanca...


How about them teeny bopper Jonas Brothers to do Unforgiven... Hey its a western so... ^_^

It is really impressive at where at about the 46 second mark the Iron Man guy fires a couple of 50 BMG rounds from his pistols and his arms fly in the air like a rag doll. I liked him better in Men Who Stare at Goats or Lebowski or King Kong!! Brolin can't carry Duval's water bottle!! We will probably see it but I wish there was a way to let the film makers know that...There are other movies to make!! Or maybe not maybe they are plumb out of creativity :blink:


Can't wait til they get Tom Cruise to be Rick in Casablanca...

How about them teeny bopper Jonas Brothers to do Unforgiven... Hey its a western so... ^_^


Nope, not Cruise. We here at Lazy Bob Productions have been in negotiations with Pitt for the role. Cruise is cast as a lesser but still pivotal character. It was down to him or Johnny Depp. We decided Depp wasn't quite weird enough.:D

A stunning re-make of Casablanca!


Set in Mexico at Ricks Cantina Americano.

Brad Pitt plays Rick, the ex-pat Gringo who dabbles in green cards on the black market. Salma Hayak as Ilsa.

Javier Bardem as her husband running from the drug cartels and the Federales.

Antonio Banderas as the corrupt but patriotic Capitan Renault.

John Goodman re-creates the classic Sydney Greenstreet rolse.And in Peter Lorre's part as Ugarte, the diminutive smuggling Scientologist weasel....Tom Cruise.


In the big scene at the Cantina, the evil drug lords and coyotes gather around the piano singing La Bamba until the local local vaqueros join the Mariachi band in a rousing rendition of La Cucaracha. This causes a minor shoot out with AK-47s purchased from Wal-Marts across the border. The Federales arrive and close down the Cantina, "confiscate" all the liquor, and re-supply the drug lords with ammo.


Later, Senor Rick tearfully tells Sam (Ziggy Marley) to"Play it". Sam strums his guitar and softly sings Aye yi yi yi....


"We'll always have Cabo", says Rick to Ilsa as she clutches her new green card, grabs her inner tube and heads through the fog toward the Rio Grande. Fade to black.


Damn, my talents are wasted here.


Guest Cinch, SASS#29433
Nope, not Cruise. We here at Lazy Bob Productions have been in negotiations with Pitt for the role. Cruise is cast as a lesser but still pivotal character. It was down to him or Johnny Depp. We decided Depp wasn't quite weird enough.^_^


Nope, Pitt got roasted on the wire for that Jesse James flick so even at Lazy Bob it has to be Cruise. I love Salma :blink: but she isn't Miley Cyrus so won't make the cut for the new slick version of the film...


By the way, some posts are talking about what kind of Texas Ranger Josh Brolin will play. According to the cast listings I've seen Josh Brolin is playing Tom Chaney, who killed Mattie's father. Matt Damon is playing LaBeof the Texas Ranger. I'm looking forward to seeing this or any western!

Nope, Pitt got roasted on the wire for that Jesse James flick so even at Lazy Bob it has to be Cruise. I love Salma ^_^ but she isn't Miley Cyrus so won't make the cut for the new slick version of the film...


Nope the contracts are signed. Cruise was the only one able to walk under the "Must be this short to play the Peter Lorre role" pole we had set up so he's in as the oily little Ugarte. :)

And Miley will be tied up giving pole dancing lessons for the foreseeable future. Besides, she can't do an accent. :blink:

  • 5 weeks later...

Now that I've read the book by Charles Portis it is highly recommended. Great read. ;)


One of the things that struck me about the book is how closely the dialogue was followed in the original movie. Amazing really. I've already seen some lines in the trailer for the new one that do not match up to the book, so I have a theory that the Coen's claim that they remade the book is false. No telling what else they will put in their movie that is a modern hollywood interpretation. I sure hope it turns out to be something I can watch with the ladies. :o


I don't think anyone has EVER made a movie ver batim from a book. Virtually impossible.

For the flow of the film some things must be left out and some things must be added.


AW C'mon Lester. Give it a chance. ;)

I think I'm going to go with a group from our club "The Cowboys" we did "Open Range" as a group and it was a bunch of fun.

Good to see ya on here!

  • 1 month later...
AW C'mon Lester. Give it a chance. :D

I think I'm going to go with a group from our club "The Cowboys" we did "Open Range" as a group and it was a bunch of fun.

Good to see ya on here!



Ok, after you see it if you give it a thumbs up, I'll go see it. let me know.

Not sure remaking John Wayne westerns is a good idea.


Not all John Wayne movies were great films - remaking some of them might be the right thing to do.

After all, even he made three versions of Rio Bravo.


And his True Grit portrayal was not his "Duke" persona.

It should be ok to re-imagine the role of "Rooster" without cries of sacrilege.

Guest Paniolo Cowboy SASS #75875
I wanna see it. Nobody can REPLACE the DUKE, but it's a WESTERN. They don't make enough of them these days.


The only thing I didn't like about the original was Kim Darby. I thought she was TERRIBLE.


I'm in on the Cowboy Movie Nite





Kim Darby might not have been great, but this new gal Hailee Steinfeld looks a lot like Matt Damon and acts like Wednesday from the Addams Family.


And honestly, I couldn't see Glen Campbell as a Texas Ranger. But hey, I can't see baby-face Matt Damon in the part either. It be just too much of a stretch to believe him as a Texas Ranger.


And by the way, this notion that we should support Western movies just because they are Westerns is probably the reason no one in Hollywood makes GOOD Westerns ... Hollywood must figure who cares if they're any good when there's always some Cowboy out there who will watch it no matter how bad it is.


Here's a list of "Westerns" produced between 2000 and 2009: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Western_films:_2000s


And here's a list of "Westerns" produced during 2010: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Western_films:_2010s


Anyone see all of these movies. Some thimes Hollywood's idea of a Western just ain't my idea of a Western. And by the way, I haven't seen many of these so-called Westerns because they were just bad movies.




Sacrilege it may be, but I think this will be much better than the original movie. Folks need to get past thinking any role played by the Duke can't be surpassed. (And...duck!) Fact is, any novel could be made into a better movie than earlier versions with the right writers, producers, actors, etc. I mean, I really, really wish someone other than Kevin Costner would have made a film of The Postman - my favorite post-apocalyptic novel. I had to go back and read it again just to rinse my mind's eye out. :D


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