Buffalo Rick Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 the trailer for the True Grit remake is on You Tube now.
Wylie Harp, #21158L Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 Here you go: True Grit Trailer 2010 ~:Wylie:~
Jack Houston # 35508 Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 Here you go: True Grit Trailer 2010 ~:Wylie:~ Linkie no workie!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uco41pOKeJg
Cowboy Junky Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 I like the looks of it.........Jeff Bridges was really good in Wild Bill. It's hard to fill Waynes shoes but it's a new western that appears to be well made so I'll see it. What else am I going to see......some over done action flick?
Lone Dog, SASS #20401 Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 Looks purdy doggone good to me!
Miss Birdie Cage, SASS #32773 Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 sacrilege If it ain't broke, don't go n try to fix it............ will probably still see it but I'm sort of a purist when it comes to Mr. Wayne's movies. -BC
Steeltown Joe, SASS #74630 Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 Jeff Bridges as "Rooster" ! Who better to follow the "Duke" than the "Dude" ! Notice I said follow not replace ! Looks like a good one ! Steeltown
Guest Cinch, SASS#29433 Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 sacrilege If it ain't broke, don't go n try to fix it............ will probably still see it but I'm sort of a purist when it comes to Mr. Wayne's movies. -BC I am with ya on that one!! There are other or new movies to make...
Big Sage, SASS #49891 Life Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 John Wayne he ain't.....but nobody is. The new TG will probably be good, just have to get the original out of my mind. Besides any western is worth watching compared to some of the stuff made today.
Cascade Charlie, SASS # 48668L Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 Looks good to me. I'll definately see it and probably add it to my dvd collection.
Smoken D Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 Dang, I'm a thinken they already got the patch on the wrong eye! But, like they say, can't fill Duke's boots, but at least try. Sure hope it's a good one!!
Irish Red OToole, #48939 Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 Gonna take a pass. Never liked anything the Coen Bros did. Didn't see anything here that doesn't reek of cheap copy. Like some above, I'm mighty particular about my John Wayne movies and remakes leave a sour taste in the mouth. ETA: And, yes I have been itchin' for more westerns, but for God's sake...MAKE AN ORIGINAL MOVIE!
Middlefork Bob, SASS #53945 Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 Should have cast Tom Selleck as Rooster Cogburn. That being said, I will go see it but it will be hard watching anyone but John Wayne play this roll.
Henry McKenna #700L Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 I'm in. Probably. I've liked some of the Cohen Brothers work and detested some as well. No big fan of any of the actors involved in this one either. I still miss John Wayne and always will. On the other side of the coin, I like the fact that they stated that this is a remake of the BOOK, and my mind is now more open to giving it a chance. I also like that the new movie may be significanly more authentic. Authenticity alway lends realism to a movie. I've ordered the book off Amazon. We'll see what is remade.
Grizzly Dave Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 I'll watch it when it comes out on DVD, not much for going to the theater.
Sage Creek Gus SASS #64320 Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 It looks good to me. We'll be doing one of our "Cowboy Evenings". Putting on our cowboy duds, going out for dinner, and then hit the movie. It doesn't bother me that this is a remake of the John Wayne movie, which I thought was very good. The book itself is a very good read and that's why I think this will be very interesting. The book is from the girls point of view as though she wrote the book in later years. Some of the new westerns, whether remakes or original are very good. I didn't care for the remake of 3:10 to Yuma but did like Appaloosa. I like it when the all the characters have flaws and have a past that isn't all that good. I don't care for westerns where the characters are such fantastic shots that they can hit a running man at 400 yards from a bucking horse with a handgun. SCG
Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619 Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 I'm in. Probably. .... I like the fact that they stated that this is a remake of the BOOK, and my mind is now more open to giving it a chance. I also like that the new movie may be significanly more authentic. Authenticity alway lends realism to a movie. I've ordered the book off Amazon. We'll see what is remade. The book is a lot darker that the Duke movie, so this being the Coen brothers, this new movie will be, too. On the other hand, in the book, Rooster is one-eyed, but don't wear a patch. So that's from the first movie.....
Poppy Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 I'm in and will most likely see it on opening day. a bad western is still better than a good chick flick.... I believe bridges will do a good job. Gonna be big boots he has to try to fill...
Anvil Al #59168 Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 Think I will like this girl better. Never cared for the one in the original. In fact. I never like Glenn in his role either. JW made that movie. I have to look over the other two. So that girl and Josh Brolin might be an upgrade in my book. But to try and play the JW role????? Don't think that can be done. Hope he does it in his own way. And not try and copy the Duke to much.
J-BAR #18287 Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 If we want more westerns to be made, we oughta should support it on the big screen. ...I'm just sayin'....
Colt McCloud, SASS #65003L Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 A remake it is so I'll give it a chance! I also liked Bridges as Wild Bill and from the trailer he seems to hold his own for those few short scenes. I didn't much care for Glenn or that girl in the original either. The Duke made the movie that's for sure and fer certain. Now I never could figure out the purpose of "No Country for old Men" and think the Coen brothers are products of Hollyweird. Having said that the Cinematography in the trailer looks great and that's a good thing. I'll go see it on cheap Tuesdays!!
Dukeydog Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 Think I'll pass pards. Nothing against Mr. Bridges he is a fine actor, but this role will always belong to the Duke. There is plenty of other material to make a fine western film about. How about a movie based on one of my Favorite Louis L'Amour novels FLINT. I also think the Winchester 73 role of Lynn McAdam will always belong to Jimmy Stewart. It is like the law of physics you can't change it and shouldn't try. I'm not watching the new Hawaii-Five-O either. Rest in peace Jack Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WEEDY SASS#653 Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 I'll go see it. I caught one thing in the trailer that makes me worry. If they have Jeff Bridges mumbling through the whole thing I'll have a problem. I always kinda thought Ole Glen did a pretty good job at being a "Dip $hit" Texas Ranger. I'm sure Josh Brolin will be a much darker Ranger. The original will always "The Original" That doesn't mean this can't be a good movie. The trailer also shows the costuming and weapons will be a little more period correct. Capt. Jake!! Cowboy Movie night??
Uno Mas SASS #80082 Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 It looks good to me. We'll be doing one of our "Cowboy Evenings". Putting on our cowboy duds, going out for dinner, and then hit the movie. Hey, 4T, Coffee, I think Gus is on to something; Howz' 'bout a Grumpy Lunch Bunch Night at the Movies?
GunClick Rick Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 Josh Brolin will NEVER be ~The Dark Ranger~ http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y283/gunc.../DarkRanger.jpg ROLL "THUNDER" ROLL http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y283/gunc...ghtning-1-1.jpg Let's go Chief Cloud http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y283/gunc...ivan004-1-1.jpg But i will have to go see True Grit i guess but the Duke had a better hat
Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 I'm a-gonna see it. The first "True Grit" movie was inspired by the book. The second movie is s'posed to be a film adaptation of the book - different animal altogether... and not a "remake" of the Duke movie. I'm lookin' forward to it!
Henry McKenna #700L Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 So, here's what we have so far: -John Wayne IS Rooster. We do not expect Bridges to compete. -We must assume that no large-loop lever rifles will turn up in the new movie. -The 14-year-old who will play a 14-year old in the new movie may or may not do a better job than Kim Darby. -Matt Damon (not Josh Brolin) will EASILY be a better LaBoef than Glen Campbell, but he will most certainly not sing the title song in the openning credits. -Josh Brolin, we can assume, will play Lucky Ned Pepper. Robert Duval's prominence in this role will remain unthreatened. - The original was rated G. I'm betting the new one will be rated R. -Rooster (JW) charging the gang in the field is the best scene ever in any movie, even though the violence is "cut". This is the very essence of the American spirit. To many of us, this IS the movie. I do not know how I will react when confronted with another version. -There are actually kids in America who have never seen the original. Shame on their so-called "parents". -I also wish someone would make a movie from Louis L'amour's Flint. Appoloosa was refreshing in that it was a NEW western and not a restrike. There are plenty of good actors who could play Flint.
Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619 Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 No, the big loop rifle is out. The book has two six-shooters. And you can see the start of Rooster's charge in that trailer.
DocWard Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 Think I'll pass pards. Nothing against Mr. Bridges he is a fine actor, but this role will always belong to the Duke. There is plenty of other material to make a fine western film about. How about a movie based on one of my Favorite Louis L'Amour novels FLINT. I second that! Not to mention a whole bunch of other books. Heck, they could do a trilogy based on the Kilkenny books (my personal favorite L'Amour character).
T. H. O' Sullivan Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 If we want more westerns to be made, we oughta should support it on the big screen. ...I'm just sayin'.... That's the way I look at it. It'll make for a family night out away from chasing cows! T.H. O'Sullivan Black Mesa Ranch New Mexico
Doc Coles SASS 1188 Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 Looks OK to me. It will be interesting to see what they do different. I like the Duke in the original but, like many of his later movies, much of the rest of the cast was pretty weak, (Kim Darby and Glen Campbell come to mind). I like and respect the Coen brothers work. I especially like the way they have moved across genres and did a very good job in just about everything (Raising Arizona, Miller's Crossing, Oh Brother Where Art Thou?, The Big Lebowski, No Country for Old Men. All great movies). I plan on seeing it, but I also plan on experiencing more than a little deja vue.
Lethal Larry, SASS #58429 Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 If we want more westerns to be made, we oughta should support it on the big screen. ...I'm just sayin'.... I agree with you there. I think Jeff is a good actor and really thought he did a great job playing Wild Bill. I think I"ll like Josh better as the Ranger too. I do not recognize the girl but she might be great in this roll. Wonder who will get the role played so well by Strother Martin in the first one though?
Tom Foolery U.S.M. #2348 Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 I wanna see it. Nobody can REPLACE the DUKE, but it's a WESTERN. They don't make enough of them these days. The only thing I didn't like about the original was Kim Darby. I thought she was TERRIBLE. I'm in on the Cowboy Movie Nite TF
Nate Clayton, SASS #63196 Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 Well said, Hardpan. Great story. Looking forward to seeing this one. Damon looks good in it. The new Mattie is a new actor, debut film for her. I look forward any improvement over the first. I like the Coen's films as well, Doc. -Nate
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