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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. You'd need a Cryogenic Dewar to even try to store the stuff. At that, they're not that great. With liquid nitrogen or oxygen, you can count on about a 10% per day loss of product. I delivered them when I worked for Praxair, we pretty much had to order them from the fill plant when we knew they were going to be delivered. If they sat for a week, we had to send them back because they'd lost enough product that we couldn't sell them.
  2. I wear a red MAGA hat to the gym. I wear a black one everywhere else. I've made a LOT of new friends because of them. I suppose that the party loyal are going to vote "D" no matter who or what is running. And Pima County is about 75% "D". You wouldn't know it by the responses my hats have garnered. And yeah, I'm partially doing it to see if I can push Karen's buttons. Not so far.
  3. I've heard of people wearing an eyepatch over their dominant eye to force themselves to use the non-dominant eye. It's called "shooting patch"
  4. I don't think that's Boot Camp. Their trousers are bloused. They don't, (didn't anyway), blouse their trousers until they graduate.
  5. I wear a plain old 1 3/4" leather belt. If I had a waist instead of a gut, it would be perfect. As it is, I have to hike up my holster occasionally. I imagine that I'd have to do the same no matter the belt.
  6. And yet so many people attach so much importance to them...
  7. There's an easier solution. The Crazy Horse Memorial is still under construction in South Dakota. All they would have to do is finish the horse so that it has a backside.
  8. Well, that's a Saguaro Cactus, and the Saguaro Cactus Blossom is the State Flower of Arizona, And that's pretty much my attitude most days, so you're in my front yard. STAY OFF MY LAWN!
  9. There's this one: https://www.ebay.com/itm/126526879548?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D270395%26meid%3D6179a440d84d42f0b113714e9cd0b0ca%26pid%3D101506%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D10%26sd%3D386324072553%26itm%3D126526879548%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D4481478%26algv%3DDefaultOrganicWebWithV11WebTrimmedV3VisualRankerWithKnnV3AndUltBRecall%26brand%3DSmith%2B%26%2BWesson&_trksid=p4481478.c101506.m1851 As to your original question, many sellers don't have a clue what they have, many post it wherever they can hoping to get a bite.
  10. At least you weren't T-boned. That'd put a steak into it.
  11. Judging by your GIF, I don't think you have the stomach for anything else either.
  12. The way I heard it was Big Daddy, Junior and the Spook. But that was the 70s.
  13. If there is a shoe repair outfit in the area, they might have somebody. Maybe go talk to people at Tandy Leather Factory.
  14. The Equal Rights Amendment from the '70's never was ratified. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) passed Congress in 1972 and was quickly ratified by 35 of the 38 states needed for it to become part of the Constitution. As the seven-year time limit for ratification approached in 1979, Congress and President Jimmy Carter controversially extended the deadline three years to June 30, 1982. When this deadline expired, only 35 of the necessary 38 states (the constitutionally required three-fourths) had ratified the amendment. The ERA is therefore not yet a part of the U.S. Constitution.
  15. Maybe like the Silverado. As for a plain ol' C10, that's why I have a bunch of Taurus revolvers.
  16. My butt's big enough! What I need is for them to take fat from my butt and donate it to some skinny guy who desperately needs it.
  17. Some of the reasons that Siri and Alexa will never be in my house. Try installing AdBlock or AdBlock Plus to your confuser. I have both and DON'T get ads.
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