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    Sparks, Nevada
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    Family, Shooting, Ireland, WWII Reenacting, Co-owner of the Irish Cattle Company.

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MAYOBARD SASS #13025L's Achievements



  1. Mayo, my friend, I thought you was dead.  Don't see much of you on any site these days.  I'd really appreciate the pattern.  I found a man who makes good holsters, but he hasn't a pattern for the American.  Has several requests for them and is trying to adapt a Schofield pattern to fit.


    Let me know how much you're asking and I'll get a check in the mail ASAp.


    You can reach me at 928-460-3856 or gun.slick@juno.com


    And get on the board more often.  A lot of people can benefit by your experience and wisdom.


    Tom "Forty Rod" Taylor

  2. Reilly is almost three years old. He is a smart pup.
  3. Matt Bastardson Major Catastrophe General Lee Intoxicated Private Parts Joaquin Withalimp Rowan Boats Hans Zupt
  4. I got the holster today.  Thanks.

    1. Chicago Steeley SASS 26520

      Chicago Steeley SASS 26520

      You're welcome!


      Its a great rig.

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