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Abilene Slim SASS 81783

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Everything posted by Abilene Slim SASS 81783

  1. The sheet of gum was awful. Bazooka gum with the Bazooka Joe comic was the best.
  2. Yup, all because of Bull-Headed Halsey who ordered they maintain formation during a hurricane, - one he could have avoided with a change of course.
  3. This, except we use braided rope of similar materials as water ski tow ropes. It gets rainy and really humid here.
  4. I think he fell face first into a tackle box.
  5. Been using Macs for business and personal since 1990. Although I can adapt to a Windows world, I can’t imagine living in it.
  6. “Only TWO THINGS come outta Oklahoma, steers and queers. Which one are you, boy? I don't see no horns on you, so that narrows it down!“ RIP Mr. Gossett
  7. I think she’s the magnet and he’s nothing more than cheap metal…
  8. Especially the dark colored ones. They look like fish hooks. I can’t remember a time where I’ve ever thought, “Gee, I’d like to stick a fish hook in my face.”
  9. I rode a Kawasaki Mach 3 750 triple a couple of times back around 1971-72. Acceleration was mind-numbing and combined with marginal stability for such a bike. Think I might have had to change my underwear after my second (and last) ride… Oh, to be young and stupid again!
  10. Which is why I haven’t watched one in the last 20 years.
  11. That’s mentioned in this video: https://www.businessinsider.com/baltimore-bridge-collapse-container-ship-dali-maryland-port-rescue-disaster-2024-3
  12. Story of my life. The hearing part, that is. However, I would never share what I “heard”. Not to that guy anyway…
  13. From a friend who was at a "Red Dawn" match last year.
  14. Sent my app in today’s mail. I’ma Henry shooter. Put me and Asa down for dinner.
  15. I always looked behind me right before falling over backwards. One time a tourist diver didn’t and landed right on top of me. Boy howdy, that left a mark on my head.
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