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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. Believe or not, a rolled up medium size magazine makes a heck of a good weapon if you don't have anything else at your disposal.
  2. What? Is you kiddin me? Just open up the door, take a whiz...then drive to another Walmart parking lot.
  3. And then you have Bones Malone and the Spooky Bois
  4. Already got the stuff that can blow around out of the yard...soooo....
  5. That one is being used as a deterrent to finding out what's being hidden behind the wrought iron in the bed of the truck. Cop magnet for sure!
  6. Same thing happened in Florida. I do notice that the no driving while using a cell phone law has not graduated to that unfortunately...I guess it's not as cost effective as speeding tickets since the fine is so small. They can keep the self-reporting vehicles so far as I'm concerned.
  7. I doubt it. The entire area has been a powder keg for thousands of years, but markedly so after 1948. The only thing that's different now is nuclear devices, explosive (or implosive) and/or radiative contamination. I would not put it past the Iranians to use contamination devices.
  8. When you're down to bare bones, you use what you got.
  9. If it intersects with Bobbitt Blvd....you may want to find an alternative route.
  10. If you did grind weed, would you be known a Doobie Don?
  11. Hell with a plea deal. Put them in a room at the top of a 1,400' tower that has one window. Set the room on fire with jet fuel and leave.
  12. Indeed, an air pistol. I do appreciate that the guy isn't using all of the terminator crap that many others use. Looks like a regular Joe. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/2024-olympics-meet-yusuf-dikeƧ-the-latest-viral-star-of-the-glasses-olympics/ar-BB1r1jiU?ocid=BingNewsSerp
  13. I don't use Facebook, never have. I've seen some snippets of videos that have been posted here though.
  14. Over the years, I've noticed that many folks provide a lot of personal information about themselves here in the Saloon. I've seen information provided about makes/vintages of vehicles owned (some with tag numbers), manufactures of gun safes (along with locations), types of guns carried complete with pictures/locations of carry, plenty of pictures of guns owned (along with their locations/where stored), types of house alarms (along with keypad locations), personal photos, types/makes of cell phones owned, personal home locations (some with actual street names), real names instead of aliases, and a myriad of other personal information. At times, I've done the same thing although I try to be vague and/or general with the info. Maybe I'm just over concerned about bad people (identity thieves, burglars, etc) being able to piece together my location. In these days with AI becoming more prevalent, it's probably only a matter of time before a computer can put all of the info, innocently provided on the internet over the years, into a probable location and name of an individual regardless of the fact that we use aliases. Some might think that I'm paranoid. Maybe so, but I really believe that day is coming faster than many folks think. Something to think about, I guess, before posting.
  15. That's GREAT NEWS all the way around! Make mine an ice cold milk!
  16. Or the Secret Service...seems like they don't need to have good vision.
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