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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. Never used them. Thanks for the warning though.
  2. Thanks for that Dave. My Grandmother used to sit me and my brother on her lap and read A.A. Milne's books (and others) to us. I was thinking about Winnie the Pooh, Piglet and Eeyore the other day and remembered her voice saying "Oh, bother." Things were a lot simpler back then.
  3. Only two survivors of the attack made it back to Pearl for the ceremonies this year. There are only 16 left. A short story of the two that made it back this year below. 2 Pearl Harbor survivors return to Hawaii
  4. I changed my mind. If I didn't like them in the first 60+ years of my life, I doubt that I'll like them now. I foresee a pecan pie in my immediate sweets future!
  5. Our family had one of those travelling fruitcakes also. Got opened and eaten by us kids, well some of it anyway. Never liked fruitcake, but over time, my tastes have changed. Might have to try the Claxton @ Sam's just to see if my tastes have changed that much.
  6. Same way in the electrical trade. If I could just have got one of them for a month...just one......
  7. It's JJ Cale's birthday today but I'm not sure about queens, bulls and ice cream had anything to do with it.
  8. Well, bless his little heart. He'd be a little rotten toothed brat if I was the last dentist in town. His mother too.
  9. I was under the impression that the live, ejected rounds had writing on them. I didn't know it was the actual bullets, not the brass, had writing on them.
  10. Shooter obviously did not plan of ejecting live rounds due to his, or her, failure to test the ammo prior to committing the murder. Clearly a mistake on the shooter's part. The writing on the live, ejected rounds (IMO) could either be an attempt to make law enforcement to believe that it's a personal vendetta, trying to throw them off...or it could be a personal vendetta. Deny, Defend and Depose on the live ammo...wonder if there was anything written on the spent shells.
  11. My gal made me watch some "highlights" of a show on something called News Nation and a show called Ashley Banfield. It featured a pair of so-called gun experts. One of them (the guy on the left of the woman) declared that there was a difference between a "suppressor" and a "silencer". Beyond that, he did not demonstrate any other expertise but at least he did not demonstrate any unsafe actions. The guy on her right (some guy named Steve Wolf) demonstrated complete, idiotic, unsafe handling of firearms. Using live ammo, he repeatedly chambered live rounds into (what appeared to be) a SIG firearm....with his left hand in FRONT of the muzzle of the firearm. Any REAL firearms expert would have used overtly obvious dummy rounds to demonstrate the same actions. IMO, the shooter was clearly an amateur and not a professional "hit man"...or woman. The show's so-called "expert" was not a professional either. Jeez, where do they get these people.
  12. I actually walked through the ruins of the Olds house during the mid '70's in Oldsmar before it was torn down. It was sad that the house was allowed to get to the condition that it was in. The roof had semi-collapsed which let the rain in that destroyed the rest of the house. I had a couple of window weights from the house for a long time. Don't know what happened to them now. It really wasn't as big of a house as I would have envisioned for a man of his stature.
  13. Preparation and forethought prevented a big problem and aided a lot to your good fortune. Glad it was caught in time to prevent a tragedy.
  14. If I were John (the dentist), I would charge her the normal fee...payable NOW. After she paid, I tell her to find another dentist to take her brat to.
  15. Evidently, only Black Bear parts, claws and hides are illegal to ship to Florida without express permission. It is unclear about other kinds of bears, but apparently bear claws of any kind are illegal to ship also. Below is a list of prohibited states with prohibited bear parts shipping. https://www.chichesterinc.com/BearStateRegulations.htm
  16. Dang, that's too bad. When I was a kid, he cobbled more than one pair of shoes/boots for the family.
  17. An engineer dies and goes to Hell. One day, God calls the Devil and asks how things are going in Hell. Devil tells God, things are going great ever since you sent that engineer down here. Tells God that they now have cold water, air conditioning, ice and a few other never before conveniences. Thanks for sending him down. God replies that he never sent an engineer down to Hell, it's a mistake and they'll have to send the engineer to Heaven. Devil tells God that there's no way that he'll send the engineer back. God says that if they don't send the engineer back, he'll sue. Devil replies "Where are you going to find a lawyer?"
  18. You've got TN! PM forthcoming.
  19. Have you called Tom's Shoe Repair in Clearwater on Drew St? Place has been there since I was a kid. I don't know anything about them these days though. Tom's 727 442 7579
  20. ***Sold Pending Funds*** 1897 Winchester forend for sale. No cracks, dents or damage. Original Winchester forend. Price - $65.00 shipped lower 48 Payment to be by personal check from established SASS members or USPS MO. Sorry, no electronic funds accepted. 1st I'll take it gets it.
  21. Boy, I'd say!
  22. I would for two of my neighbors, the ones on either side of me, that I have a good relationship with. The rest of them can kiss my forget about it.
  23. Norton blocked the site claiming it was a malicious website.
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