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Jailhouse Jim, SASS #13104

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    Riding the Grubline with only the stars for a roof and a tree branch to hang my hat

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    Way out West
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  1. I sooo agree with your comments on the "safety rules!"    Both about moving and about an empty round in an open action. 

    I also worked with safety for about 40 years and understand that as you add more rules, you almost always create more confusion and reduce safety.


    Thanks for your well reasoned comments.

    1. Jailhouse Jim, SASS #13104

      Jailhouse Jim, SASS #13104

      Thank you for your comments.  It's so hard to get some folks to understand the concept that more rules create many more problems.  It's like they are blind to anything they don't agree with.  It's more like the government trying to protect us from ourselves making us reliant on someone else to think for us and/or giving folks someone else to blame for our own mistakes.

    2. Marauder SASS #13056

      Marauder SASS #13056

      It further became a problem in the late 1800's when they thought up "social sciences."  They thought that they could even create a "perfect contract" that people would not break.  Along with the idea that we can communicate verbally much better than we actually can.


      Thus, if we create the right rule and word it just right. . .  

      Then we don't have to think. .


      Our govenment and society are now eaten up with the idea even thought they hate it.

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