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Three Foot Johnson

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Everything posted by Three Foot Johnson

  1. The line from my well is more or less 8' underground, so it's not going to freeze. It enters my basement at slab level, so also 8' underground. But in the laundry room, the copper pipes run across the ceiling and down a back-filled, but uninsulated block wall to the washer. Those pipes have "soft froze" before, so I close the door to the laundry room and turn the electric thermostat to its lowest level over the winter, 40 degrees. Last night, tonight, and tomorrow night will be around twenty below zero, so I'll turn the thermostat up to 45 in that room for a couple days.
  2. Mine would have been a Colt Frontier Scout .22 revolver when I was 12. It was bought new with money I made from selling Christmas and greeting cards, remember that? The serial number puts the date of manufacture in 1967, but it was sometime in 1968 when I got it, maybe in the fall after GCA '68 took effect, as my dad had to be the one to actually hand over the money... or maybe that was just store policy. Since dad actually bought it, maybe that one doesn't count, in which case it would have been either an Italian Griswold & Gunnison .36 cal percussion revolver, a Thompson Center .54 cal percussion Hawken, or a Colt Series 70 1911 when I got out of the Navy in '78. I still have the Frontier Scout, the Hawken, and the Colt 1911, but sold the G&G four years ago.
  3. Answer to an inquiry I sent them last year: "These are available to FFL's with a limit of 2 per 30 days. It requires serial number information to order. Please call in to place an order at 336-949-5200 option 4 and then option 2." I think every club I've ever shot at has had at least one, and usually multiple, FFL holders among their membership, but unless you've got a favor coming, they'll probably charge you $75 - $150 apiece to get them for you. Looking at the auction sites, even used ones are sometimes selling for that much lately. Barleycorn Outfitters had new ones on Gunbroker just a few days ago for $125 ea, shipped, w/o the plunger, spring, and cross pin.
  4. It's supposed to be -4 tonight, high of -1 tomorrow, -9 tomorrow night, high of -1 Tuesday, -6 Tuesday night, -2 Wednesday... I start my 70th year in ten days, and I really don't know why I've lived all my life in this miserable Great White North.
  5. When I started casting about 45 years ago, I got all my lead free. As mentioned above, it's $2 - $3/pound now. In August of 2021, I was able to buy 2000 pounds for fifty cents a pound. I've used bottom pour pots from day one - today I have a pair of RCBS Pro Melt furnaces, one with alloyed lead and one with pure lead. I currently have 100 different bullet molds, with a few duplicates among them. A lot of Lee's, Lyman, and RCBS, some from custom or semi-custom mold makers, aluminum, brass, and iron, and a couple from companies nobody has ever heard of - Hardline Industries and P-C are two that come to mind. I use Lyman 450 Lubri sizers to size & lube. I like powder coated bullets, but I'm not going to spend the time to coat 5000 bullets. Anymore, I'd just as soon buy bullets as cast them, but there are some that just aren't available.
  6. As previously mentioned, you can't use it in Classic Cowboy, and you can't use it in black powder categories - not because 9mm isn't legal, but because it doesn't have the case capacity to meet the smoke standard. The .40 S&W will, but just barely. I almost bought a pair of Cattleman TC9's from Taylors during their Black Friday/Christmas sale - they were down to $455 ea.
  7. When I was a young'un, and we'd return home after dark from a long day away, my mother would say, "Here we are in the red cow's mouth". I have no idea where that came.
  8. Yeah... the HIGH Monday and Tuesday is supposed to be -0-. When I see the pink blooms on the flowering crab tree outside my garage door, THEN it's spring. That'll be around the end of April.
  9. I had an uncle who passed at age 94 back in 2007 who used to tell of his days as a young man trying to find work during the Great Depression. He would say wages usually weren't even part of the equation, and if he found a ranch who fed him breakfast, maybe coffee & a biscuit at lunchtime, then a small supper, and let him sleep in the barn, he had a pretty damn good job. "Sometimes, after Sunday morning chores, I'd even get the rest of the morning off for church". He later joined the Civilian Conservation Corps where he was paid $30 a month. On December 7th, 1941, he was on a ship leaving San Francisco for Honolulu to build underground fuel storage tanks when word arrived that Pearl Harbor had been attacked. Supposedly, many of the CCC onboard were taken off the ship and "drafted on the spot". He, and some others, sailed on to Hawaii where he spent the next couple years rebuilding, then he was sent to Alaska to work on the Alcan highway.
  10. Diomede, AK gets mail delivered once a week, weather depending. It's an expensive delivery route to maintain - the mailman drives a helicopter - but it's still only four cents to send a letter, or whatever it's up to now. AFAIK, I get mail Monday - Saturday, but in the winter it can be several days until I can get the mile and a half down the mountain to get it.
  11. The Manhattan Wildlife Association range (Gallatin Valley Regulators) and the venue for the state match at the Great Falls Shooting Sports Complex (Black Horse Shootists) are both members only ranges, meaning they are behind locked gates, but a member can host you as a guest of course. It used to be a ten dollar fee to bring a guest in at MWA - if you're shooting a match, of course, there's no extra fee, just the registration fee for the match. The Gallatin Valley Regulators have their own dedicated gate at MWA, separate from the main gate, that is unlocked and opened an hour or two before the match, and remains open until Gooch has everything put away, scores entered, and locks up on his way out. I can't think of a formal shooting range where just anybody can walk in and use the facilities. Just a sign of the times - allow open unmonitored access to anybody, anytime, and you're going to see damage, theft, and vandalism. At one somewhat remote range here, someone climbed over the locked gate a few years ago, broke into the locked registration building and stole a few things.
  12. That's a pretty good price. I've had my Armi Sport/DGW .56-.50 since '09 - plenty of reloading info out there, but I've almost always used BP.
  13. Looks like a minimum of $850 in extras leaving $850 for the guns - that's a pretty dang good package. A person would be looking for a long time for better deal.
  14. It's such a brilliant scheme, I'm surprised nobody's done it before. Make yourself the Godfather of a crime syndicate, make everybody millionaires over the next four years, then pardon all the associate Underbosses for their as yet undiscovered crimes and offenses against the United States on your last day. So long, suckers - HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!
  15. Next shelf down - Penman
  16. I picked up this near pristine pre Model 36 Chief's Special flat latch about three weeks ago to add to the S&W stack. Made in early 1956, $255.
  17. The mostly unknown third member of the Classic family. I've only seen two of these in person, definitely a rare duck.
  18. I bought one in 2013, 44-40 also. Sage Creek Gus has an original he and his dad rebuilt, and these two are the only ones I've ever seen in person. I've read there was only one run made by Uberti, and they were poor sellers so they never made any more. But I've heard otherwise too, so... Larsen Pettifogger wrote an article for the Chronicle on the Burgess repros about fifteen years ago.
  19. The 4000 watt Champion generator mentioned above has a claimed weight of only 48 pounds. How?
  20. I have that same unit, but it's branded Cummins/Onan and is gray. Who knows who actually manufactures it.
  21. I personally know only one CAS shooter who uses .44 mag exclusively, meaning that's all he shoots and he shoots .44 mag ammo, not .44 specials or .44 Russians. It looks like there are a few more from the replies above. I have a Rossi '92 .44 mag and a pair of 8 3/8" Interarms Virginian Dragoons that have been to a couple CAS matches, but it's certainly not a regular thing.
  22. As above, Ruger will sell these direct to an FFL holder, two per month, for $47.50 ea, delivered, for the complete assembly - hammer, plunger, spring, and cross pin. It's something just under $40 for the hammer alone. I didn't ask if a C&R license would suffice, but the worst they can say is no. Serial numbers are easy enough to find, I don't know why they even ask. Answer to an inquiry I sent them last year: "These are available to FFL's with a limit of 2 per 30 days. It requires serial number information to order. Please call in to place an order at 336-949-5200 option 4 and then option 2."
  23. 230 grain 45 acp rebated RN bevel base
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